Winners of Via Bona Slovakia 2023
This year, 42 large, medium, and small companies competed for the Via Bona Slovakia award, with a total of 44 projects nominated. From 20 final nominations in the second round, the winners were selected by independent evaluation committees composed of experts from the business, non-profit, and public sectors.
“In turbulent times that bring many societal challenges, it is encouraging to see that Slovak companies continue to demonstrate commitment and creativity in the field of responsible business. This year’s Via Bona Slovakia award once again showed that companies can be the driving force for positive change, supporting sustainable development, social inclusion, and technological innovation. We are proud of all those who inspire others with their example and prove that even in challenging times, it is possible to act with consideration for future generations,” said Michal Kišša, Executive Director of the Pontis Foundation.
Award Winners
In the main category of Responsible Large Company, the winner was Slovak Telekom for their systematic approach to responsible business and the courage to actively address important topics.
Slovak Telekom is a provider of comprehensive telecommunication services and employs almost 2 400 people. The company takes an inclusive approach, with special flat rates for hearing and visually impaired customers for an extra discounted amount. There is an online interpreter operating in stores, which is especially useful for seniors who have lost their hearing due to old age. Environmental protection is built on 2 pillars in the company’s ESG strategy: building a carbon-neutral society and striving for full circularity. In 2023, Telekom introduced “returnable packaging”, i.e. a returnable cardboard box with a lifetime of at least 50 deliveries to the customer. Following the successful pilot of flexible working arrangements, many people in Telekom, for whom the nature of their work allows it, are already working ultra-flexi hours or a 4-day working week. In the community area, the company focuses mainly on developing the digital literacy and skills of the younger generation through the ENTER programme and cooperation with organisations such as Aj Ty v IT, Informatika 2.0 or Zmudri. In February 2023, Telekom started building the Rešpekt engaged corporate communication platform, which supports the brand’s mission to connect people.
The award in the main category of Responsible Small/Medium Company was given to the Žilina-based development company Reinoo for linking sustainable development business with extensive assistance to people from Ukraine and the local community.
Reinoo is a real estate development company operating in the Žilina region and is primarily engaged in the construction of office buildings, residential complexes and rental properties. The main philosophy of the company – to be an example – is translated into reality through sustainable construction and through 3 main responsible activities: the Reinoo Ventures (support for start-ups), cooperation with the Milan Dubec Foundation (through which it mainly supports community projects, the restoration of public spaces and greenery in the city of Žilina) and Camp Žilina (in 2023, the project focused mainly on facilitating the adaptation of refugees from Ukraine in Slovakia and material assistance in Ukraine). In the core business itself, the company emphasizes the use of environmentally friendly building materials and waste minimization (e.g. reusing construction waste during construction, procuring raw materials with a high proportion of recycled components), green technologies (e.g. green roofs, photovoltaic panels, planting of greenery), and does not forget to support local communities through social and environmental initiatives (Christmas markets, vernissages of local artists, environmental educational activities for children).
In the category of Good Partner of the Community, Slovenská sporiteľňa received the award for their comprehensive support of affordable housing carried out in collaboration with strategic partners, which significantly improves the quality of life for disadvantaged groups.
The activities of Slovenská sporiteľna are a response to the growing problem of unaffordable housing in Slovakia for commercial prices. The DOM.ov project focuses on providing comprehensive support to families of excluded communities from rural areas in planning, financing and building their own homes. The main goal is to enable them to build their houses on their own, with Project DOM.ov providing materials, coordinating the construction and teaching clients the necessary activities during the building process. Families who are part of the program are thus given the opportunity to live in their own houses, pay for running costs and repay the loan just for the construction. Another project – Affordable Homes – in contrast, seeks to provide rental housing at below market rents, thereby addressing the problem of housing affordability for disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.
For their personal proactive approach to improving children’s school results, the company SmartBooks received the award in the category of Socially Innovative Company.
The SmartBooks project is a digital smart textbook that effectively transforms traditional educational methods and creates conditions similar to personal tutoring. It provides primary school pupils with specifically generated exercises along with detailed explanations. These exercises not only test knowledge but also actively promote learning and memorization, thereby greatly enhancing the effectiveness of learning. The system improves critical thinking skills, reading comprehension and long-term memory. Its use is also particularly effective for pupils with specific learning needs such as ADHD, dysgraphia, dyslexia, and in special schools for children with autism spectrum disorders.
In the category of Outstanding Employer, Tesco Stores won for their long-term and consistent approach to integrating various vulnerable groups, particularly people with disabilities.
Since the Tesco Angel initiative was established in 2013, the company has continued its efforts to integrate socially, medically, mentally, age, gender and ethnically disadvantaged people into the workforce. It focuses on employing people with specific health limitations such as Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorders, physical handicaps, hearing limitations and cerebral palsy, as well as people who are homeless, from marginalized social groups or refugees from areas at risk of war. Tesco Stores also offers training and work experience for pupils from excluded Roma communities.
In the category of Green Company, the award went to Corplex for developing a comprehensive circular solution in product packaging, addressing the growing issue of the e-commerce segment.
Corplex has developed a special innovative, eco-friendly and cost-effective packaging alternative for the B2C sector. This is returnable packaging that is brought back to the manufacturer and reused once the goods (e.g. mobile phones) have been delivered, which reduces waste significantly. In addition, the packaging at the end of its lifespan itself is recycled by Corplex and used to produce further packaging. Returnable Boxes are made of plastic cardboard – a material similar to cardboard but made of polypropylene, and thus easily recyclable, without the need of water, using only electrical/thermal energy. The project not only reduces the amount of packaging material and eliminates the need for disposable cartons and bubble filler, but also offers a more economically and environmentally beneficial solution for companies and their customers.
The winner in the category of Fair Market Player was Slovak Telekom for raising societal awareness and spreading the importance of blood donation with tangible results.
As part of its long-term platform Rešpekt, Slovak Telekom has introduced an initiative that will focus on promoting blood donation in Slovakia. It was launched in the summer months, which is the period when the need for blood is greatest, due to the seasonal decline in the number of donors and the increased incidence of injuries and operations. Slovak Telekom did not limit itself to traditional methods of promoting blood donation. The innovation of this campaign was the use of a logo that changed during four weeks to different blood types according to the current needs of the National Transfusion Service of the Slovak Republic. The project also highlighted the positive aspects of the use of technology and its ability to bring people together for a good cause, and as a result the campaign had a significant immediate impact on increasing the number of blood donors.
Evaluation Committees Members of Via Bona Slovakia 2023
Responsible Large Company
Lenka Adamčiak, Swiss Re; Zuzana Dlugošová, Whistleblower Protection Office; Dalimil Draganovský, EY; Jaroslav Grygar, Beko Europe (ex-Whirlpool); Marián Holienka, Faculty of Management, Comenius University Bratislava; Nikoleta Lörincová, Kaufland; Jozef Ondáš, founder of IT Valley Košice; Lucie Schweizer, G.Lehnert
Responsible Small/Medium Company
Andrea Ferancová Bartoňová, ESPIRA Investments; Ivan Haluza, Denník N; Marián Letovanec, Slovak Business Agency; Tomáš Lodňan, GoodRequest; Jarka Marčičiaková, Maxman Consultants; Ondrej Smolár, Soitron
Good Partner of the Community
Jana Gregorovičová, BILLA; Lukáš Hrošovský, SYTEV (Slovak Youth for Traveling, Education and Volunteering); Dušan Karolyi, Denník N; Róbert Slovák, Slovák & Friends; Anna Symington-Maar, Rozmanita
Outstanding Employer
Eva Habánková, Inicitíva Inakosť (Initiative Otherness); Lenka Hlinková, Female Algorithm; Anna Lašová, UP Déjeuner; Olga Pietruchová, UNHCR (The office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees); Sylvia Porubänová, Slovak National Centre for Human Rights; Daniela Škripková, ESET; Andrej Vršanský, League for Mental Health Slovakia
Socially Innovative Company
Terézia Jacová, LUMUS Investment Collective; Andrea Lelovics, expert on social inovation; Zuzana Polačková, SAV; Andrej Salner, Basta digital; Alena Vachnová, DEDO Foundation
Green Company
Richard Kellner, Komerční banka; Marcel Lukačka, Go4; Ivana Maleš, Institute for Circular Economy; Denisa Rášová, Circular Slovakia
Fair Market Player
Laura Dittel, Carpathian Foundation; Marek Greško, Titans freelancers; Jana Palková, VSE Foundation; Marie Stracenská, TA3; Štepán Štarha, Havel & Partners; Andrea Ungvölgyi, Orange
Winners of Via Bona Slovakia 2022
Prejudice against people from marginalized communities or people with disabilities, the spread of disinformation and hoaxes, internet addiction, cyberbullying, and vision disorders in early childhood – these are the societal problems that the most responsible companies of 2022 addressed in their activities, earning them the Via Bona Slovakia award. For 23 years, the Pontis Foundation has been highlighting inspiring examples of responsible business practices that are making Slovakia a better place.
A total of 60 small, medium, and large companies competed for the Via Bona Slovakia 2022 award, which was the highest number since 2016. The Pontis Foundation received 66 nominations in seven categories. Independent evaluation committees, composed of experts from the corporate, non-profit, and public sectors, shortlisted 20 nominations for the finals, from which they selected the winners in the second round.
„Despite the challenging times that significantly impacted the functioning of companies – the pandemic, war in Ukraine, energy crisis, and inflation – many of them are not easing their efforts to be socially responsible. On the contrary, more and more companies are starting to address serious societal issues through their business activities, the proof being this year’s Via Bona Slovakia award winners,“ said Michal Kišša, Executive Director of the Pontis Foundation.
Who Are the Winners?
The winner in the main category of Responsible Large Company was Whirlpool Slovakia for its holistic approach to responsible business, which inspires not only within the eastern Slovak region but also in other countries where the group operates.
The company’s responsible business is primarily focused on the quality of human capital, with a dominant theme being the employment of people from marginalized Roma communities. Whirlpool not only teaches them work habits but also how to operate machinery in production halls so that they can apply their knowledge and skills in any manufacturing sector. In Poprad, a region with high unemployment, Whirlpool currently employs 23% of people of Roma origin, as well as other socially disadvantaged groups. Employee stability and satisfaction are reflected in minimal turnover and long-term loyalty. The company’s development efforts are supported by training and competency centers for equal opportunities, which the company has built from its own resources.
In the field of environmental protection, the plant has achieved record low levels of energy and water consumption per produced appliance and has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2030. As a manufacturer of kitchen appliances, Whirlpool helps prevent food waste. Through the campaign Chvíle, ktorými sa neplýtva (Moments not to be Wasted) the company educates primary school classes on how to avoid food waste at home. Whirlpool also actively engages in helping the local community, especially people in need.

The award in the main category of Responsible Small/Medium Company was given to Herba Drug for regional development with a focus on community work, support of Slovak production, and long-term sustainable business with a family character.
The family-owned company Herba Drug is the largest cosmetics manufacturer in Slovakia. They develop their products in their own laboratories, combining high quality with affordable prices in both production and sales. The company is based in Smižany, a village in eastern Slovakia. Although it would be economically advantageous for them to operate in western Slovakia, they consider it important to develop their region. They provide employment to people from the village and nearby areas, including women nearing retirement, people of Roma origin, people with disabilities, and for many years, they also employed the hearing impaired. Thanks to their approach, benefits, and good workplace relationships, the company has long-term employees who are often joined by additional family generations.
Herba Drug prioritizes supporting local suppliers over profitability, even despite higher costs. The company helps people in need across Slovakia, supports talents, education, and civic activism in the region. In 2022, they launched the project Z nemocnice za dobrodružstvom (From Hospital to Adventure), which provides gentle cosmetics and fun tasks for children with cancer and their parents during the long days of treatment. After treatment, each patient can participate in a trip to Bachledova Valley with a parent.
The winner in the Green Company category was OLO for their circular solution and the courage to create a project without legislative tools, which has already become a beloved brand with the potential to inspire other cities in Slovakia.
The Bratislava Reuse Center operates as a city re-use center – a place where unnecessary but preserved and still usable items are given a second chance. The project serves as a tool for waste prevention, allowing anyone to find what they need while also sensibly and ecologically disposing of surplus household items. KOLA also includes a HUB for circular ideas and concepts – an educational and creative center for people from Bratislava and surrounding areas, where meaningful green projects are created, and education for school children in the city takes place. The center also collaborates with the non-profit sector and integrates people disadvantaged in the labor market. OLO plans to create a shared workshop where collected items can be repaired, thus extending their lifespan.
The winner in the Outstanding Employer category was Curaprox Slovakia for their comprehensive and authentic approach to employing vulnerable and disabled groups.
In 2019, the company joined the Assistance with a Heart project implemented by Profesia. By the end of 2022, 10 people with disabilities, primarily autism and Down syndrome, worked at Curaprox stands in shopping centers. Each of these individuals is assigned a colleague on a permanent contract who helps them not only with work tasks but also with personal development. Employees with disabilities have specific tasks they perform (e.g., decapitating toothbrush heads for recycling) but also receive tasks to do at home that support their engagement and strengthen their sense of usefulness. Curaprox successfully integrates people who might otherwise not have this chance into working life, breaking down prejudices and stigmas through personal experience both within the work team and among customers.
In the category named Good Partner of the Community, the winner was BILLA for its long-term and strategic approach to preventing vision disorders, which has a measurable impact on children’s lives.
As part of their project, BILLA focuses on the early diagnosis of vision disorders in preschoolers, where timely intervention is crucial for potential correction or complete recovery. Experts conduct screening measurements in kindergartens across Slovakia, after which the child receives a certificate with the measurement results and possible recommendations for further examinations. The screening itself is simple, painless, and intentionally conducted in the familiar environment of the kindergarten, which helps alleviate the children’s fear and stress. BILLA also takes an educational approach to the project by regularly communicating the importance of children’s eye care. The company has been collaborating with the Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University and the National Institute of Children’s Diseases, annually improving eye examinations by purchasing specialized equipment.
In the category of Socially Innovative Company, New School Communication won for its project, which aims to minimize the spread of disinformation and hoaxes by cultivating discussions in the online space.
The project focuses on hiding vulgar and hateful expressions on social media that appear in discussions under posts of media and public institutions. The Elves‘ task is also to identify fake accounts and respond to selected comments. The project uses a hybrid model of human moderators and modern technologies that allow for the quick identification and hiding of problematic comments. By effectively moderating discussions, it minimizes the impact of disinformation and hatred, thus cultivating the social media environment. In 2022, the Elves moderated discussions on almost all major Slovak media pages. In 11 months of operation, they managed to review more than 6.5 million comments and identify over 5 thousand fake accounts.
In the Fair Market Player category, Orange Slovensko won for systematically reducing the digital gap between parents and children and for educating on the topic of online safety.
Orange has long been developing an awareness-raising and educational program on how children spend their time in the online world and how adults can help them feel safe there. The company launched a new website,, which contains articles and videos on topics such as internet addiction, cyberbullying, inappropriate content, online predators, and self-esteem. The portal also allows users to report dangerous websites. Part of the awareness campaign was also a book publication for parents, Bez nástrah online – A Guide to Safe Internet Use.
Through the Orange Foundation, the company launched a new grant program that supported thematic projects of elementary and secondary schools as well as NGOs. It also provided free workshops to schools and brought thematic discussions to summer festivals. In 2022, Orange introduced the Online Protection service, which ensures customers‘ safety online by blocking harmful content before it reaches their devices.
The Pontis Foundation Also Awarded an Individual in Responsible Business
This year, the Pontis Foundation awarded a special recognition – the Via Bona Slovakia 2022 Individual Award. „The idea to honor a specific individual who has been long engaged in responsible business topics and has been a ‚driver‘ in areas that deserves our attention came from the members of the Responsible Large Company evaluation committee. At the Pontis Foundation, we recognize that it is specific people, their dedication, and often their personal time, which they sacrifice for something they believe in, that makes a difference. That is why we supported this spontaneous proposal from the committee,“ said Michal Kišša.
The Via Bona Slovakia Individual Award was given to Tatiana Švrčková, Senior Sustainability Specialist at Slovak Telekom. Tatiana has over 20 years of experience in corporate social responsibility and corporate philanthropy, working with people and organizations across all three sectors – corporate, non-profit, and public. She participated in the creation of several projects that have helped people in various areas, such as the grant programs Hľadáme ďalší zmysel pre podnikanie nepočujúcich (Seeking Additional Meaning for the Business of the Hearing-Impaired), the Mobilný pedagóg (Mobile Teacher) operational program, the Fund for Transparent Slovakia, and Donor SMS messages.
Evaluation Committees Members of Via Bona Slovakia 2022
Responsible Large Company:
Zuzana Dlugošová, Dalimil Draganovský, Marián Holienka, Xénia Makarová, Lucia Marková, René Kačmarčík, Lucie Schweizer
Responsible Small/Medium Company:
Andrea Ferancová, Ivan Haluza, Marián Letovanec, Tomáš Lodňan, Jaroslava Marčičiaková, Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová, Ondrej Smolár
Green Company:
Richard Kellner, Andrej Kovarík, Marcel Lukačka, Ivana Maleš, Denisa Rášová
Socially Innovative Company:
Mária Hurajová, Terézia Jarošová, Andrea Lelovics, Zuzana Polačková, Andrej Salner, Alena Vachnová
Outstanding Employer:
Anna Lašová, Marcela Krajčová, Andrej Kuruc, Sylvia Porubänová, Tatiana Sedláková, Andrej Vršanský
Good Partner of the Community:
Kristína Kertészová, Arnold Kišš, Anna Symington-Maar, Jana Riečanská, Róbert Sedlák, Róbert Slovák
Fair Market Player:
Róbert Dusík, Richard Ďurana, Martina Machánková, Marie Stracenská, Štěpán Štarha, Natália Tomeková
Via Bona Slovakia 2021 award winners
The award in the main category entitled Responsible Large Company went to Swiss Re for its elaborate sustainability strategy and exceptional activities to support employees and the local community.
As part of its CSR strategy in Slovakia, Swiss Re has defined three main areas that it has been working on for a long time – the impact of climate change on the city, strengthening personal and social resilience, and regional social innovations. The company wants to become carbon-free by 2030 and motivates its employees in this area as well. Through an application, each of them can calculate their annual carbon footprint, which will become a starting point for reducing it by participating in practical challenges and competitions.
The company has a sophisticated employee programme with above-standard social benefits and innovative elements supporting diversity and inclusion, such as mentoring women or reverse mentoring, in which younger people pass on the experience to senior colleagues. Last year, the company, in cooperation with the Swiss Re Foundation, brought the SHINE programme to Slovakia. The programme aims to develop social innovation and entrepreneurship, and also continued cooperation with the City of Bratislava on the topics of mitigating the effects of climate change.
The award in the main category entitled Responsible Small/Medium Company went to GoodRequest for creating an innovative educational programme for students and co-creating the local community in Žilina.
Turnkey app development digital studio GoodRequest sees responsible entrepreneurship as part of its DNA. The company considers education and gender equality to be its priority. The company is aware that the IT environment is often naturally discriminatory, so they try to provide equal opportunities for both women and men. They want to motivate more women and girls to study computer science and then work in this industry by sharing success stories of women in this sector.
The company organises the GoodRequest Academy. It is a platform for university students, which offers them the opportunity to work on a project and for a company. The academy has four levels: an 8-week internship where students get to know the company’s processes and improve their coding skills, a competitive assignment where they can test their experience in practice, an intensive paid course for people with industry experience, and support for school organisations. As part of its philanthropic activities, the company also supports several non-profit organisations.
The award in the main category entitled Responsible Small/Medium Company went to GoodRequest from Žilina.
The winner in the category entitled Green Company category is Mobilonline for promoting the principles of sustainability in the business model and consumer education.
The family business from Lučenec started by buying out used mobile phones. It refurbished and re-offered them for sale, thereby extending their life cycle. The company later added used tablets, smartwatches and laptops to their offer. Today, Mobilonline is the largest buyer of used mobile phones in Slovakia. The company uses used packaging materials and returnable eco-boxes for shipments, thus saving the purchase of thousands of cardboard packaging. Last year, it opened the first store in Slovakia, which consists of 80% recycled materials. The stores also serve as collection points for small electrical waste. The company plans to use non-functioning devices in the Mobile Museum, where they will serve exhibits for younger generations, or to create works of art from waste.
The award in the category entitled Outstanding Employer went to IKEA Bratislava for addressing the problems of victims of domestic violence and an exemplary partnership with the non-governmental sector.
In Slovakia, almost every second woman has experienced psychological and every fifth physical or sexual violence in an intimate partner relationship. Therefore, the furniture manufacturer, in cooperation with the Fenestra non-profit organisation, initiated a dialogue to support a safe home environment. They implemented two awareness campaigns on the topic for the general public, but they also set measures inside the company. In case of domestic violence, in addition to mental health and financial support, female employees have up to ten days of leave available, and the company will apply measures to increase workplace safety, such as changing working hours, place of work, or job duties. In addition, IKEA offers up to three days of vacation per year to employees providing support to a colleague who is a victim of domestic violence.
The award in the category entitled Outstanding Employer went to IKEA Bratislava for addressing the problems of victims of domestic violence.
In the category entitled Good Community Partner, the award went to Slovak Telekom for its systematic and comprehensive preparation of children and youth for a digital future.
Slovak Telekom has long been involved in supporting education in schools and the professional development of teachers. In 2020, the company launched the ENTER programme. Its goal is to increase the digital skills of children and students and, at the same time, to increase their interest in solving community problems through digital technologies. Besides the educational and informational campaign, the operator also focuses on the digital education of teachers and students at secondary and elementary schools. Furthermore, the company also helps schools with hardware equipment, such as micro bits, which enable children and young people to create various coding solutions. The programme focuses on both teaching informatics classes and the expansion of interdisciplinary education. The project that children create with their micro bits can be used in other school subjects as well.
The award in the category entitled Socially Innovative Company went to Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia for their Cognity Care social innovation, which connects virtual reality with mental health care.
Through its project, the company brings a unique innovation in the field of mental health treatment, which it perceives as very neglected. Patients often undergo invasive forms of treatment and after the end of hospitalisation, they have problems with returning to outside life, self-realisation or motivation. The company has therefore developed a new non-invasive interactive-exposure therapy in virtual reality, which is unique in our country and the world.
The application, with the help of special glasses, moves the patient from the melancholic atmosphere of the psychiatric clinic to a pleasant and relaxing virtual space. In it, s/he performs various mind-training tasks without realising it. The pilot project was launched in the hospital in Trebišov. More than 70 patients have already tried the therapy and are showing better results. The solution also offers benefits for the staff in the form of attractive treatment, simpler diagnostics and enthusiasm for new technologies.
Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia will receive an award for the unique connection of the topic of mental health with virtual reality.
The award in the Fair Market Player category went to O2 Slovakia for successfully building awareness on the controversial topic of misinformation.
O2 has long-term and strategically focused on the development of critical thinking and media literacy through its activities, projects of the Fair Foundation and partnerships with non-governmental organisations and educational institutions. In 2021, the company launched the Share Wisely campaign, which was started with a deep fake video featuring Zlatica Puškárová.
The campaign also included a website where visitors could take a media literacy quiz, but also find advice and instructions on how not to fall for false information. The campaign involved influencers, psychologists and former conspirators who changed their opinion based on the facts. Through its Fair Foundation, the operator supported 12 projects aimed at cultivating the information space, refuting hoaxes and countering hate speech with a total of 60,000 euros.
Via Bona Slovakia Award-Winners 2020
They have emphasised the acute need for mental health care, supported the establishment of a helpline, helped gastronomic enterprises survive the first wave of the pandemic, and systematically integrated disadvantaged people into work life. The Pontis Foundation awarded the most inspiring examples of responsible entrepreneurship in seven categories in Via Bona Slovakia 2020. For 21 years now, the Pontis Foundation has been highlighting examples of responsible entrepreneurship through the Via Bona Slovakia awards.
At the same time, we presented the concept of responsible entrepreneurship together with the winning projects to the general public in a television documentary broadcast by RTVS. “The documentary provides diverse examples of how companies can actively contribute to solving social problems and thus improve the country in which we live. I believe that it will help the public perceive fairness and corporate responsibility as the norm, not as something exceptional,” says Michal Kišša, Executive Director of the Pontis Foundation.
50 small, medium and large companies with 70 examples of responsible entrepreneurship applied for the Via Bona Slovakia 2020 award. Independent evaluation committees, composed of experts from the corporate, non-profit and public sectors, moved 21 nominations to the finale and selected the winners in the second round. Many of the projects reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic, which deepened inequalities in society.
Besides seven main categories, the Pontis Foundation presented two special awards – the Well-Governed Company, awarded in cooperation with the Slovak Corporate Governance Association, and the Public Choice Award, the winner of which was decided by readers of the SME daily in an online survey.
Via Bona Slovakia 2020 award-winners
The winner in the main category Responsible Large Company is Tesco Stores SR for their long-term sustainability strategy, the fight against food waste and the promotion of diversity and inclusion.
The company’s responsible entrepreneurship strategy is based on four main pillars: content people; affordable, healthy and sustainable products; enhanced communities; and a healthy planet. Tesco is also a leader in the fight against food waste. In just two years, it has managed to reduce food waste in its stores by more than a half, thus contributing towards meeting one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Over 6,000 tons of food have been donated to people in need through the Food Bank’s donation programme so far. Moreover, the company has also managed to reduce its carbon footprint by 32% since it uses 100% of energy from renewable sources.
Tesco’s priority during the pandemic was to protect the health of its employees and customers, and it also massively strengthened the availability of online shopping. The company offered vulnerable groups of employees paid leave in the weeks of the worst pandemic situation and repeatedly paid an extraordinary bonus to all colleagues working in the first line. At the same time, the company places great emphasis on promoting inclusion and employing disadvantaged groups.
Tesco received the Via Bona Slovakia 2020 award in two categories, as well as the special Public Choice Award.
The award in the main category entitled Responsible Small/Medium Company went to ARES for the successful integration of people with disabilities into working life. The company’s story is the story of its founder and co-owner, Ján Drobný, who has remained in a wheelchair after a car accident. However, he perceived the situation as a challenge and today, he provides opportunities for a full life to people with reduced mobility. ARES manufactures technological solutions for overcoming barriers, such as lifting platforms, jacks, and special vehicle modifications. The company uses the profit for education, development and awareness-raising on the issue of disabilities. ARES also helps its clients with legislative issues. It provides them with information on state support free of charge. A quarter of employees are people with disabilities, and the company also runs a sheltered workshop. It is an example of the accessibility of corporate premises. Thanks to this care, the company enjoys minimal fluctuation.
The winner in the Green Company category is Sensoneo for the creation of innovation that brings data, transparency and efficiency into the field of waste management. The company has developed the WatchDog system, which helps towns and local governments predict the fullness of collection containers, evaluate the efficiency of transports, and thus increase environmental friendliness. The system is based on digital data recording, which optimises the collection process. Unique chips are located on each collection container and provide information on their current utilisation. Therefore, the collection vehicle does not have to make unnecessary trips and only goes where necessary. The process is automated, reducing waste costs and emissions by up to 63%.
In the category entitled Outstanding Employer, the award went to Tesco Stores SR for its authentic implementation of the principles of gender equality and equal opportunities in practice. With almost 9,000 employees, Tesco is the third largest private employer in Slovakia. Topics such as diversity and inclusion are therefore key for the company. This is evidenced by the introduction of training on the inclusive environment that all employees attend. Besides, the company organised a 3-week online Diversity Festival, which was attended by more than 2,000 colleagues.
Tesco has long employed people who reflect the diversity of society. One example is the growing integration of people from Roma communities as well as people with disabilities. Concerning the diversity in needs, the company introduced targeted benefits, which it has recently strengthened with above-standard family benefits. Within the framework of gender equality and equal opportunities, it also prepared an in-depth report on the pay gap, which the company later published as the only retail chain in the Slovak Republic.
The award in the category entitled Good Partner of the Community went to Orange Slovakia for emphasising the importance of mental health and striving for better systemic care. The issue of mental health has long been overlooked in Slovakia. The situation culminated during the COVID-19 pandemic when the number of people seeking counselling increased dramatically. The helplines were capacitively and technically undersized. Such was also the case of the civic association IPčko.
Therefore, Orange immediately set up a crisis helpline for IPčko, which received almost 9,000 calls by the end of 2020. At the same time, the company also modified the application for video counselling, which is the first of its kind in Slovakia. The company and its foundation also supported other projects, such as the Nezábudka helpline and the Child Safety Line. The Orange Foundation has also supported the creation of the Mental Health Line Initiative that educates about mental health and advocates for a systemic solution to the problem.
Orange Slovakia has long emphasised the importance of mental health and advocated for better systemic care.
NATUR-PACK received the award in the category entitled Socially Innovative Company for finding new opportunities to communicate an important issue of environmental education.
The company has long profiled itself as an innovator of environmental education. The key tool is the NATUR-PACK YouTube channel. It is the first independent channel in Slovakia that comprehensively deals with the issue of waste and educates the general public, as well as producers who are subject to obligations under the Waste Act. The channel was established in 2013 as a supplement to offline seminars, but with growing popularity, its real potential became apparent. Videos are attractive not only because of the topics they cover but also due to the involvement of interesting organisations, partners and influencers.
The award-winner in the Fair Market Player category is Plzeňský Prazdroj for help to its customers in the challenging gastro services sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.
After the closure of pubs and restaurants due to the pandemic, the situation was complicated for Plzeňský Prazdroj. The company indirectly creates up to 12,000 jobs. The company realised that the sector was based on the operations that were most at risk, so they decided to act quickly. They exchanged expired kegs of about a million beers at their own expense, postponed the payment of invoices and stopped the recovery of receivables. As part of the #podporsvojpub (tr. #supportyourpub ) initiative, they contributed to the creation of a platform for the purchase of vouchers for future consumption.
Prazdroj also provided over 3,000 pubs and restaurants with packages of protective equipment that was missing at the time. To motivate people to return in the summer, the company offered the second draft beer to customers for free. It was one of the largest consumer activations in the gastronomy sector in Slovakia. Besides other things, it was also thanks to these activities that up to 84% of companies survived the first wave of the pandemic.
The Via Bona Slovakia award in the category of Fair Market Player category went to Plzeňský Prazdroj Slovakia for helping the gastro sector during the pandemic.
The winner of the special award in the category entitled Well-Governed Company went to Slovenská sporiteľňa for transparency in publishing data on corporate governance in accordance with the principles of Corporate Governance.
Via Bona Slovakia Award-Winners 2019
For the twentieth time now, the Pontis Foundation has awarded companies from all across Slovakia for their responsible entrepreneurship and corporate philanthropy. Besides the Via Bona Slovakia awards in six main categories, the foundation also presented three special awards. The gala event has been held online for the first time.
The Pontis Foundation was supposed to present the Via Bona Slovakia 2019 awards in April. Due to the pandemic, the foundation moved the gala event to November, which, however, was hit by the second wave of the pandemic. Therefore, for the first time in its history, the awards for responsible entrepreneurship were presented online. „Time demands that we be prepared for change. We are glad that we have found a way to sincerely thank the companies and especially the people who work in them for helping make Slovakia a better country,“ says Michal Kišša, Executive Director of the Pontis Foundation.
38 small, medium and large companies with 52 examples of responsible entrepreneurship entered the jubilee 20th year of Via Bona Slovakia. Independent evaluation committees, composed of experts from the corporate, non-profit and public sectors, moved 20 nominations to the finals and selected the winners in the second round.
Besides six main categories, the foundation also presented three special awards entitled Employer Friendly to Family, Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic and the Well-Governed Company Award presented in cooperation with the Slovak Corporate Governance Association. Furthermore, the readers of the SME daily selected the winner of the Public Choice Award in an online poll, voting for the most inspiring example of responsible entrepreneurship.
The award winner in the main category entitled Responsible Large Company was ESET. The company also received an award in the Good Community Partner category. The award in the second main category entitled Responsible Small/Medium Company went to Profesia.
What companies were the most responsible?
ESET was the award winner in the main category entitled Responsible Large Company.
The main pillars of the company’s CSR strategy are business ethics, satisfied employees, better Slovakia thanks to better education and research, and environmental protection. When creating technologies, the company focuses on innovation and a secure digital world for everyone, as evidenced by their creation of an application for a responsible approach to the protection of children on the Internet, as well as the support of software for people with visual impairments. Concerning employees, the company provides support for budding leaders as well as development programmes for everyone. Twice a year, the employees can participate in an employee grant programme and have the opportunity to participate in volunteer activities during their working hours. The company’s goal is also to popularise science and research in Slovakia. Through their ESET Science Award, it has awarded the best domestic scientists for the second time now.
The award in the main category of Responsible Small/Medium Company went to Profesia.
Since the beginning, Profesia has been taking an inclusive approach and respect for diversity in all its values. The company employs the same number of men and women, including minorities, and keeps in mind mothers and people with disabilities. Employees pass on their experience and knowledge in the form of expert assistance. They organise workshops and training for non-profit organisations. Further, they also train school principals in the field of human resources. As part of the Help with the Heart programme, they organise workshops where they present examples of good practice in the employment of people with disabilities.
The winner in the category of Green Company, which emphasises the circular economy, was the company JRK Slovakia with the project of fair registration of waste entitled ELWIS.
The company strives to improve waste management by reducing mixed municipal waste and increasing the sorting rate. To achieve these goals, the company has developed an innovative and educational solution that brings transparency to waste management. The fair waste registration system entitled ELWIS brings local governments an overview of the real amounts of waste from Slovak households and entities by monitoring the collection of containers and bags with waste. By analysing these data, towns and municipalities can take the necessary measures and set up a fair system of waste charges and better sorting for their citizens.
The award in the Great Employer category went to Whirlpool Slovakia for its long-term promotion of diversity and a non-prejudicial approach in the workplace.
Of the total number of employees, 40% are women, 18% are from the marginalised Roma community, and 7% of employees are people with disabilities. Thanks to the adaptation process of new employees and the retraining of current employees in its training and retraining centre, the company succeeds in reducing both the unemployment rate in the region as well as staff turnover.
Within this category, a special award entitled Employer Friendly to Family, Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities went to Slovenské elektrárne for the targeted support of women in the energy industry.
In the category entitled Good Partner of the Community, the award went to ESET for the strategic assistance and support for social innovation with the project ESET Science Award. It aims to increase the social prestige of science in Slovakia. Besides rewarding exceptional scientists, the company also tries to initiate a public discussion on the issue of science, which has long been on the fringes of society’s interest.
LETMO received an award in the category of Social Innovation for actively developing products and services and building a community for people with disabilities. The company has created a unique mobile application VozickarMAP, which allows to find the nearest barrier-free objects, comment on their status or ask a question to the community of wheelchair users. Currently, the map features over 4,000 objects, such as toilets, restaurants, schools and shops.
ČSOB Bank became the award-winner in the special category entitled Well-Governed Company for its transparency in publishing data on corporate governance in accordance with the principles of Corporate Governance.
The Public Choice Award, decided in a poll by readers of the SME daily, went to LYRA, which uses energy-saving technologies and ecological waste disposal in the production of quality chocolates. The company created the so-called Blockchain chocolate, which brings transparency to the process of production and distribution of chocolate, not only in terms of ingredients but also the time traceability of products. In Colombia, where most of the ingredients come from, the company supports local farmers and young people who learn how to use their potential and become good leaders.
Via Bona Slovakia Award-Winners 2018
The Pontis Foundation has awarded the most responsible companies from all across Slovakia for the nineteenth time now. It presented the Via Bona Slovakia awards for 2018 on Tuesday evening in the Old Market Hall in Bratislava. President Andrej Kiska and his successor Zuzana Čaputová bot attended the gala event.
The award winners of Via Bona Slovakia are companies that change life in Slovakia for the better with their projects and responsible approaches to business. „After the events of last February, citizens are calling for change, justice and greater transparency. They want to have a government that is guided by facts, and companies that are aware of their commitment to the environment, to be good community partners, great employers, fair players in the market, or social innovators. And there are more and more such companies, their projects are getting better and better, and they are bringing much-needed system changes,“ says Michal Kišša, Executive Director of the Business Leaders Forum and Programme Director of the Pontis Foundation.
This year, the Pontis Foundation received 56 applications from small, medium and large companies operating in Slovakia. The independent evaluation committees moved 23 nominations in eight categories to the finals. The committees were composed of representatives of the business sector, government, the media, the non-governmental sector and educational institutions. We presented two special awards entitled Employer Friendly to Family, Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic and the Well-Governed Company Award presented in cooperation with the Slovak Corporate Governance Association. Furthermore, the readers of the SME daily selected the winner of the Public Choice Award in an online poll.
What companies were the most responsible?
Accenture became the award-winning company in the main category entitled Responsible Large Company.
Through its corporate social responsibility strategy, Accenture strives to improve the conditions in which we live and work. Under the Skills to Succeed programme, it focuses on areas that enable the unemployed or people with disabilities to acquire skills for long-term employment and business opportunities. The company also promotes diversity because it understands that it makes the company stronger and more innovative. It understands its role in the global economy not only through developing its own activities but also extending the principles of sustainability throughout the supply chain. The company contributes to the diversity of suppliers by integrating diverse companies into it and prefers local suppliers.
A novelty of this year was the Well-Governed Company Award for 2018, which was presented to Slovnaft for its transparency in publishing data on corporate governance in accordance with the principles of Corporate Governance.
The award in the second main category entitled Responsible Small/Medium Company went to Letmo SK.
Letmo SK is based on the philosophy of a lifelong partnership with clients. The company creates top-class wheelchairs that meet clients’ needs, from the price-friendly ones, fully reimbursable ones, to premium models for active users. The company participates in projects that support the self-development of people with disabilities. It brings awareness and education that support people with disabilities in an active life. The company also provides the customers with consultations on their specific requirements. It also maps their immediate surroundings with an emphasis on barriers that may be problematic to the target group.
N Press received an award in the category entitled a Fair Market Player for fighting against disinformation and conspiracy theories and communicating important social issues to young people. Denník N published four publications that supplemented Slovak educational materials with current social phenomena (lies, conspiracies, critical thinking, the functioning of the media) to help teachers, pupils and students of primary and secondary schools to navigate in information streams.
Slovak Telekom received an award in the category entitled Good Partner of the Community for bringing long-term and systematic positive changes for communities with hearing impairments. Through the project Looking for Another Sense, the company educated and provided business grants to the community. Through the Online Interpreter service, the company significantly improves the ability of the community to communicate in various life situations, such as a visit to the doctor, contact with the authorities or a job interview. Thanks to experience from the programme, it was possible to incorporate Online Interpreting into the law as a social service. Slovak Telekom has also developed in-depth the topic of early care for children. Through early intervention, the six-year-long Mobile Educator programme prepared families with children with hearing impairments for new conditions, helped them adapt and accept the situation and start the child’s active progress through upbringing and education.
Nosene received an award in the category entitled Green Company. The company gives clothing a second chance and thus spreads the idea of sustainability in the fashion industry. Besides, it raises awareness about textile waste recycling and the impact of fashion on the environment. Nosene tries to teach the public how to give clothes a second chance instead of ending up in municipal waste. It also involves companies and individuals in this issue. In recent years, they have organised several collections and practical upcycle workshops in companies and many other events.
Slovnaft was awarded in the Great Employer category for comprehensive care for its employees and support for their work-life balance. Together, Slovnaft employees created a place where they can come with their families for active relaxation after work. They revitalised the neglected building near the company and transformed it into a modern sports and relaxation centre known as Slovnaft RELAX. There, the employees can use a bowling alley, fitness centre and wellness. The project is unique because the construction of the centre was initiated, coordinated and completed by the employees themselves.
In this category, we presented a special award under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic entitled Employer Friendly to Family, Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities. This award went to Swiss Re Management AG for its authentic gender and anti-discrimination approach to employees and the complete flexibility of the place and time of work.
The award in the category of Social Innovation went to T-Systems Slovakia, which developed an application for people with visual impairments to increase their independence in movement and navigation in a museum. The solution allows people with visual impairments to be truly independent in a museum. The company has installed a network of sensors in the East Slovak Museum. But the project does not end there. Possibilities for further use of the application are, for example, public spaces, hospitals and any other spaces in which this community experiences problems with navigation. The project of T-Systems Slovakia also appealed to readers of the SME daily, who voted it a winner of the Public Choice Award.
The Award for the Contribution to the Fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals went to Stiga Slovakia for the inspiring example of addressing the issue of inclusion of the Roma community in the labour market. The project was created in response to the lack of workforce in the market, to use the available workforce in the region of Spiš, especially the marginalised Roma community. In cooperation with the People in Need organisation, which has its field workers in several Roma settlements, the company implemented a project of supported employment of marginalised Roma communities. The project provides people on the margins of society with an opportunity to improve their lives and integrate. For many participants, this project is the first chance for legal employment. At the same time, the company changes the perception of the community by employees from the majority population and helps erase stereotypes about the Roma.
Via Bona Slovakia Award-Winners 2017
The Pontis Foundation has acknowledged the most responsible companies on the Slovak market for the eighteenth time now. It presented the Via Bona Slovakia awards for 2017 in the Old Market Hall in Bratislava. Wendy Luers, the founder of the Foundation for Civil Society, the predecessor of the Pontis Foundation, also attended the gala event. The President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska, who was on an official visit to the Republic of Korea at the time, greeted the audience with a video speech. The award ceremony was broadcast live by Dvojka.
The Via Bona Slovakia award-winners are acknowledged for the extra mile they go in their work. They lend a helping hand when it is needed. Positive examples are what Slovakia needs at the moment. „In contrast to the current situation in our country, it is great to see that we can do business responsibly and fairly. Companies can change the face of Slovakia for the better by how they treat employees, the environment, suppliers and the local community. And just like individuals, companies can be committed citizens and speak out for decency, fairness, and justice,“ says Lenka Surotchak, the CEO of the Pontis Foundation. „Sometimes, it is enough to do small things to make a big difference. This year’s award-winners have shown us that,“ she adds.
There are many responsible companies in Slovakia
This year, the Pontis Foundation received a total of 48 nominations in eight categories. An independent evaluation committee composed of representatives of the business sector, state administration, media, non-governmental sector and educational institutions moved to the finals 22 most inspiring and responsible projects. We also presented two special awards, namely the Public Choice Award, decided by the readers of the SME daily in a poll, and the Employer Friendly to Family, Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities, which we present under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic.
What companies were the most responsible?
The award in the main category entitled Responsible Large Company went to Slovenská sporiteľňa. The company supports different charitable projects through its foundation. It focuses on education and increasing financial literacy. The foundation also focuses on target groups that are often overlooked by other banks, whether they are start-ups, NGOs or people with low-income. The bank provides the groups with banking services, education and advice. The company also applies the principle of zero tolerance of corruption, fraud or any unfair practices and keeps the environment in mind through its environmental policy and strategy.
The award in the second main category, Responsible Small/Medium Company, went to ANASOFT. The company has long been involved in many philanthropic activities. It emphasises its employees and their development. It provides them with several training opportunities in the professional and personal field. As far as the environment is concerned, ANASOFT is aware that even small companies have something to offer. Therefore, it brings various technological innovations, including paperless offices.
The winner in the Green Company category was GO4 with the ecological taxi service supporting electromobility, entitled E-taxi. After a bicycle courier service Švihaj Šuhaj, GO4 decided to take the next step to fulfil their mission and started providing an emission-free taxi service. In cooperation with HOPIN taxi, they put seven electric taxis into Bratislava. They have significantly contributed to improving the environment in the capital. In the first half of the year, the taxis travelled almost 200,000 kilometres, which, compared to other taxi services, relieved the atmosphere by approximately 40 tons of CO2. In the Green Company category, the evaluation committee also awarded an honourable mention to Impact Futuristics for its innovative approach to popularising the company’s beekeeping industry.
In the Great Employer category, the award went to Lidl Slovak Republic. The evaluation committee praised the company for its comprehensive approach to employees, exceptional in the given industry. The employees are the basis of the company, and Lidl decided to communicate this through visuals with the slogan „I’m Lidl too“. It has not only improved the company’s image but also contributed to an increase in employee loyalty. The employees appreciate the company’s approach, which is focused on fair play and the results achieved.
Within this category, we presented a special award under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, entitled Employer Friendly to Family, Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities. The award went to Accenture for a bold and innovative approach to providing benefits to LGBT employees that cover 100% of family scenarios.
O2 Slovakia received an award in the category of Fair Market Player with the project entitled the 17th of November for the courage to communicate sensitive social issues. The company decided to remind us all that the values of freedom and democracy are not a matter of course and should be valued. Throughout the day, mobile Internet users received a warning simulating the Iron Curtain while browsing foreign sites, and passengers from Bratislava to Vienna’s Schwechat Airport could listen to a video and radio spot informing about the 17th of November on Slovak Lines buses. The campaign reached up to 1.7 million people.
GSK Slovakia received the award in the category entitled Good Partner of the Community for the implementation of health mediation and raising awareness of health in Roma communities. Medical assistants, who fought high morbidity, came to Luník IX, which is part of Košice. In 2017, their health assistants intervened in more than 18,300 cases. They managed to expand the project beyond the borders of Slovakia.
Accenture with the S ♥ CODE project brought change to Slovak schools. For that, they received an award in the category of Social Innovation. The evaluation committee praised Accenture for improving the teaching of coding in schools and motivating teachers to get involved. The company trains teachers to integrate coding into teaching in a playful way during computer science classes. The project involved 200 teachers from 150 primary schools, which then affected more than 10,000 pupils, both boys and girls.
The novelty of this year was the Award for Contribution to the Fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals, which went to Tesco Stores for the contribution to responsible consumption and production. Tesco fights food waste, thus contributing to the 12th sustainable development goal. The company aims to halve the amount of food waste globally by 2030.
Within this category, the evaluation committee awarded an honourable mention to PURE JUNK DESIGN for the contribution to responsible production and consumption. The company creates its products from 75% of waste material and 25% of recyclable materials.
Readers of the SME daily decided about the winner of the Public Choice Award in an online poll. The voting was in place from the 6th of March to the 5th of April 2018. Out of eight competing companies, the award went to Nereus, a company from Žilina. It was presented for the effort to enable children from all social backgrounds to swim, as well as for the determination to build a love of sports in young people.
Via Bona Slovakia Award 2016 Winners
The Pontis Foundation has handed out its annual Via Bona Slovakia Awards for CSR for the seventeenth time. This year is the first time it has also presented a Social Innovations Award.
A gala evening showcased companies which voluntarily and beyond what is required by law help their surroundings, employees, or the business environment in which they operate. “The general atmosphere in Slovakia is that of frustration with the current situation. We can fight it with positive examples that would reassure us that there are many nice and meaningful things happening. The companies which have received the Via Bona Slovakia Awards bring such examples,” says Lenka Surotchak, the executive director of the Pontis Foundation.
The highest number of large companies nominated
Altogether, 71 small, medium-sized, and large companies from all over Slovakia had been nominated for the Via Bona Slovakia Award. The Pontis Foundation had received 10 nominations in the category Responsible Large Company, a record for the category in the history of the awards. The awards were presented in 6 categories. In addition, the Foundation handed out the Public’s Choice Award, chosen by the readers of the SME daily, and the Social Innovations Award. The latter had been awarded for the first time and had been intended for projects with the potential to change how we deal with a long-term social issue.
Who has received the Via Bona Slovakia Award
The award for a Responsible Large Company went to Kia Motors Slovakia s.r.o., a company which has been long-term trying to be a responsible employer and producer. For ten years the company has been implementing a unique concept of ‘harmony rooms’, consultancy rooms situated directly in production halls. It offers its employees a possibility to get actively involved in the improvement of the work environment and workplace relations. In addition, the company focuses on the production of environment-friendly cars. The company also provides long-term support to the region where it is based, for example by funding projects or supporting its employees’ volunteerism. The company is also aware of the necessity to support young people’s education; therefore, it has been actively collaborating with secondary vocational schools and universities.
Ošetrovateľské centrum, s.r.o. was named a Responsible Small/Medium-Sized Company. Their corporate social responsibility is motivated by their conviction that senior citizens deserve the best care. Three facilities – the nursing centre Ošetrovateľské centrum, s.r.o., the civic association Ošetrovateľské centrum, and the social service facility Slnečný dom, n.o. – move the boundaries set out by legislation and look after seriously and long-term ill people. Ošetrovateľské centrum, s.r.o. is also trying to initiate a national project to support and develop quality in long-term care and bring more light to social service facilities through satisfied nurses. For years it has been developing a Strategy to Permanent Employee Satisfaction and Pleasant Work Environment.
Ošetrovateľské centrum had also been successful with the readers of the SME daily and received the Public’s Choice Award.
The award for a Fair Market Player went to METRO Cash&Carry SR s.r.o. for its responsible and fair approach to suppliers and customers as well as its long-term support of small local suppliers. The food wholesaler targets retailers and restaurant and catering service providers. The company’s vision “We Help Entrepreneurs Grow” had given rise to a tradition of celebrating all small entrepreneurs, not only its customers. They had been invited to nominate one of their pro-customer actions, which METRO Cash&Carry SR then helped to promote.
2brothers s.r.o. was named a Green Company for its project Green Bicycle. It is a bike-sharing scheme which reduces the environmental footprint, encourages healthy habits in people, and reduces levels of traffic in towns and cities. The pilot project had been launched in the town of Prievidza, which received an Effective Sustainable Solutions Award from the Slovak Ministry of Environment. One of the aims of the project is to actively communicate with towns and cities and help them find eco-friendly options of short-distance transport.
The award for a Good Partner for the Community went to the company NOSENE, s.r.o. NOSENE responds to several social issues. One of them is the current trend of “fast fashion”. Besides selling second-hand clothing, the company remakes less suitable pieces of clothing to a brand new look. By buying the company’s products, customers not only get nice and unique pieces of clothing, but also behave like environment-conscious people and do not put strain on the environment. In addition, they help mistreated women, because 15% of the price of each sold product goes to the My Mamy civic association based in Prešov.
A certificate of merit was also awarded in this category. It went to the companies Squire Patton Boggs s.r.o. and bnt attorneys-at-law s.r.o. for achieving a systemic change in debt discharge and personal bankruptcy.
The award in the category Great Employer went to IKEA Bratislava s.r.o. In April 2016 the company organized a special event aimed at the development of its employees’ personalities and talents. 26 interactive lectures and workshops using online tools and face to face interviews helped the employees to learn about themselves and the growth opportunities that IKEA offers in Slovakia and abroad. The sessions involved or were led by IKEA’s managers and leaders to make the themes authentic and practical. The event was followed up by the Talent Week, which was meant for job applicants. The company’s employees can further continue in the Development Centre, where they get objective feedback. For the whole year they then work on improving their weaknesses under the guidance of their superior.
A certificate of merit for adding a human dimension to a corporate culture went to Soitron, s.r.o. and its project of SoitronX conference.
The Social Innovations Award went to Jem iné SK, s.r.o. and its project “Food Revolution”. Its aim is to promote the importance of healthy and regular eating. The most important group that Jem iné works with on a daily basis are children. The company operates “the first private school canteen” and a cooking school where they teach and prepare food for children. Every day the company supplies healthy meals to 20 private kindergartens and trains dozens of children in the cooking school. It strives to improve food culture at all Slovak schools, both private and public.
The awards are decided by an independent jury
The most inspiring CSR examples had been selected by independent juries composed of representatives of the business sector, public administration, media, non-governmental sector, and educational institutions. They had considered the companies’ nominations and personal presentations in two rounds. The Pontis Foundation announced the results during a gala evening in Stará tržnica in Bratislava, which was also attended by Slovak President Andrej Kiska. The gala had an atmosphere of connection and cooperation.
We know the responsible companies of 2015: Pontis Foundation handed out the Via Bona Slovakia awards
The Pontis Foundation handed out the 16th annual awards for companies doing business with a higher interest than that of earning a profit.
The 2015 winners of Via Bona Slovakia help their surrounding and employees. They respect the environment, they fight against corruption, and they deal with socially important topics, all willingly and beyond what is required by legislation.
“Our goal is to show all entrepreneurs in Slovakia that honesty and business go hand-in-hand, and that doing business can have a visible contribution to the society and the country,” said Lenka Surotchak, the Pontis Foundation’s director. This year eighteen companies from different regions of Slovakia were in the running, which was the highest number of small and middle companies engaged in the awards so far. “Our country will flourish when everyone will look after it. We are very glad that many companies acknowledge this and that they are contributing to society with their corporate social responsibility. Also, through the Via Bona Slovakia awards, we want to show that there are many people in business who take care of their employees and who support activities in their local communities,” Surotchak added.
Heineken and Taylor Wessing become the most inspiring companies
Heineken Slovakia received the Responsible Large Company of the Year award. The goal of this beer producer from Hurbanovo is to become the greenest brewery in Slovakia by 2020: that is why it is focusing on protecting water sources, decreasing carbon dioxide emissions, using local foodstuffs from sustainable sources, supporting responsible beer drinking, protecting employees’ health and safety, and, last but not least, developing the communities in which the company operates. Heineken is aware of the fact that the alcohol contained in beer can cause health, social and economic problems if drunk irresponsibly. This is why Heineken is trying to spread information about reasonable consumption. Besides running public awareness campaigns, they refrain from placing their advertisements near schools, kindergartens or health care institutions, and in their advertisements they only employ actors who appear older than 25 years of age.
The Responsible Medium Company of the Year award was scooped up by the Taylor Wessing law firm, which tries to enforce a clear and transparent business environment and good law enforcement. They provide counselling for non-governmental organizations and media, and they participate in pro-bono projects whose aim is to improve the legal environment in Slovakia. They are also responsible when it comes to choosing their co-workers. “Our company does not use the mandatory five-year practice of trainee lawyers to secure cheap labour. We consider people as the most important asset in our firm, and every partner invests a big part of his time in training and cooperation with younger colleagues,” said Radovan Palla, one of the law firm’s partners.
The Pontis Foundation awarded the Dobre&Dobré company with an honorary certificate in the category of Responsible Small/Medium Company for bringing homeless people back into society. In addition to the honorary certificate, the Dobre&Dobré café also received the public award for setting the best example in responsible business as voted by the readers of the Sme daily newspaper. The café was created on the initiative of the Vagus association, and it employs homeless people who can thus get a feeling of self-respect, fulfilment and the urge to launch into everyday life.
GreenCoop and JRK Waste Management have become green companies
The jury decided to give two awards in the Green Company category: one for a large company and one for a small company. GreenCoopfrom Zlatná na Ostrove, a cooperative that supplies to the market more than 10 million kilograms of local tomatoes a year, won the large green company award. Not only do they try to produce healthy crops, they also try to grow them in an eco-friendly fashion. They have been building greenhouses equipped with the most modern affordable technology for ten years. They are also trying to restore old greenhouses and make abandoned geothermal drill rigs, out of which hot water often flows uncontrollably into the ecosystem, operational once more.
The other green company to receive an award was JRK Waste Management, whose aim is to reduce the amount of mixed municipal waste by increasing its separation. Since 2010 the company has been working with municipalities and individuals to encourage home composting. In 2015 it reduced the amount of greenhouse gases by more than 4000 tons and prevented the landfilling of almost 650 thousand hectolitres of biodegradable waste.
An abattoir is building flats for its employees
The HSH abattoir in Veľké Zálužie received the Great Employer award. It builds flats and houses for its employees. The relationship between employer and employee is very important for society, and this is why they offer their employees various benefits, including free breakfasts and the possibility of accommodation in terraced houses near their place of work. HSH also tries to help its employees by means of interest-free loans.
Companies from Banská Bystrica, Banská Štiavnica and Košice were also awarded
PayLess Consulting from Banská Bystrica received the Fair Market Player award. Their aim is not to create barriers between operators and clients, but rather to help clients reduce the costs of telecommunication services in an efficient way. Their efficiency and fair approach is also reflected in their free provision of these services to civic associations. Another interesting fact is that while 50% of a client’s saved costs are used as remuneration for PayLess, if the client does not save anything, PayLess does not claim any remuneration at all.
In this category, the Pontis Foundation recognized ARES lifts and platforms from Bratislava with an honorary certificate for their exceptional and fair approach to business, their employees, and the community of disabled people.
In the Good Partner of the Community category, the jury also decided to hand out two awards, one for a large company and one for a small company. The first awarded company was a small construction company called Obnova (meaning “Renovation”) from Banská Štiavnica, which specializes in the renovation and revitalization of historical buildings. For example, they carried out works on Orava Castle and on the ruins of Likava Castle. With their motto “We remember historic sites,” Obnova tries to point out the fine line between what constitutes destroying the essence of an historic site and having a well preserved site.
Východoslovenská energetika Holding from Košice was the large company to be recognized as a Good Partner of the Community. Its employees help female clients from crisis centres return to normal life by mentoring them and being in regular contact with them. At the same time, they actively take part in the renovation and cleaning of particular centres. The company’s employees also organized fund-raising campaigns and joint activities like the baking and selling of Christmas gingerbread.
With its Elderly project, Hewlett-Packard Slovakia won the Supporter of Volunteering category. The company’s employees work with a community of elderly people on a long-term basis. Their aim is to make the lives of the lonely clients of a social care home more pleasant, engage them in different activities and socialize them. Both parties benefit from this – the senior citizens look forward to the particular activities with the volunteers, and the volunteers acquire new skilled practice, experiences and feelings.
75 nominations were in the running for the Via Bona Slovakia award for 2015. The most inspiring examples of responsible business were chosen by an independent jury composed of representatives of the business community, state administration, the NGO sector and educational institutions on the basis of company nominations and personal presentations in two rounds. There were awards in seven categories: Responsible Large Company, Responsible Small/Medium Company, Green Company, Great Employer, Fair Market Player, Supporter of Volunteering, and Good Partner of the Community. The eighth awarded company was chosen by the public, who voted on the webpage The Pontis Foundation announced the results at a ceremonial gala evening in Bratislava’s Refinery Gallery which was attended by the Slovak president Andrej Kiska. The atmosphere of the gala evening was marked by connecting with each other and cooperation.
Via Bona Slovakia 2014 Award Winners
The foundation awarded the prestigious Via Bona Slovakia award in seven categories for the most inspiring projects in the field of corporate philanthropy and corporate responsibility over the past year. The winners of the main prizes were the companies ALFA BIO and Accenture. The celebratory gala evening took place at Bratislava’s Refinery Gallery and was opened by the Slovak President Andrej Kiska.
There were 61 nominations put forward for awards. “The projects and approaches of companies that are something exceptional, helping the surrounding community, employees, respecting the environment and fighting corruption and addressing the challenging topics with Slovak society. At the foundation we believe that the stories of winners can inspire other companies,” says Lenka Surotchak, director of the Pontis Foundation. Many companies go about their business by pushing beyond their obligations and try to make a contribution to their surroundings.
The jubilee 15th anniversary of the awards were also ground-breaking in that it has so far signed up the most small and medium businesses, including Slovak companies without foreign capital participation. “Among the winners there are several projects from companies in economically weaker regions of Slovakia, such as Banská Bystrica, Trebišov or Partizánske. This also shows that you can encourage people towards personal growth, interest in their surroundings, and a responsible approach to the environment,” said Lenka Surotchak.
The Foundation has awarded during the gala evening under the name ‘Meeting with Silence’, which presented an untraditional meeting of light, music, dance and silence. This included deaf actors from the Theatre Silent Sparks (Divadla Tiché iskry). The gala evening was directed by Viera Dubačová and its dramaturgy put together by Jozef Lupták and Ján Šicko.
Responsible Large Company in the year of 2014
The winner of Via Bona Slovakia in 2014 in the category of Responsible Big Company is Accenture (Bratislava).
Accenture, s.r.o.
The Accenture Way
A provider of professional management advisory services, ICT and outsourcing also well known for their active approach towards responsible entrepreneurship in Slovakia.The corporate citizenship strategy was built around five pillars – company management, supporting and investing into education, environment conservation, employees and contractors.
Conduct integrity and prevention of corruption are corporate principles.The Code of Conduct applies to both employees and contractors.The “Skills to Succeed” plan helps people develop their skills with the aim to improve their position on the labour market.With decreasing the environmental footprint as a goal, Accenture uses computer technology, looks for alternative ways to travel and supports sustainable development of their contractors as well.
Employees are Accenture’s most valuable asset, which is why they are provided the right conditions for work-life balance.Accenture supports corporate donorship and volunteership.In 2014, Accenture supported 90 organisations.In cooperation with Aptech Europe, Accenture trained 41 unemployed persons, of which 22 managed to get a job by the end of the year
Pontis Foundation, in the category of Responsible Big Company has given a honorable mention to Partizanske Building Components-SK for their authentic interest and enthusiastic help provided to their community.
Partizánske Building Components–SK s.r.o.
Value-based company
Loyalty, mutual respect, improvement, engagement in local initiatives and thoroughness are values of Partizánske Building Components, a manufacturer of roof windows, light pipes and roof hatches operating under the VELUX brand.Their aim is to be the employer of choice in their region.
Chill-out rooms were introduced in all production halls and the final product warehouse.Manufacturing employees shift their positions no less than 4 times a day to prevent a monotonous workload and improve concentration at work.When selecting indirect material, contractors from Partizánske and near surroundings are preferred, which improves employment in the Trenčín region.
They have implemented and certified an environmental management system pursuant to the provisions of ISO 14001:2004.All their decisions are transparent and in line with the code of conduct, which can be well seen on how employees are informed on management decisions, occupying free positions and selecting contractors.They support local initiatives and help improve the quality of life in their town.
Responsible Small/Medium-sized Company in the year of 2014
The winner of Via Bona Slovakia in 2014 in the category of Responsible entrepreneurship in small to middle size companies is Alfa Bio (Banská Bystrica).
The birthplace of Tofu
Health in your kitchen. This idea was behind the company established by Ján Lunter back in 1991. Ever since, vegetable food production has been their daily agenda.
A small company originally seated in a small detached house has grown to an international company with offices in Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. They take proper care of their more than 100 employees. A good indicator of this being true is that 31 percent of all employees have been with the company for more than 10 years.
ALFA BIO thinks green as well. They have built their own well, which helps them not to burden the city water reservoir in peak seasons, used water is recycled and reused several times. In 2014 a new automatic large paper and plastics press was put into operation. For over 10 years, they have their own CNG station. Thanks to CNG-driven vehicles, they managed to save up to 25 percent of their CO2 emissions against petrol driven ones and as much as 40 percent of costs compared totraditional fuels. A Call centre was introduced in 2014 to improve customer services.
Green Company in the year of 2014
Marius Pedersen, a.s. – Zvolen office
Dustmen for Kids
Marius Pedersen disposes and recycles waste by means of cutting edge technology.All around Zvolen and the Podpoľana region, they started several volunteering activities aimed at enjoyable environmental education of children and teens, as well as professional assistance with disposing of unauthorised waste disposals.
First activities for children date back to 2007, when they cleaned 1.5 kilometres of a streambed and disposed of approximately 2 tons of waste free of charge.Besides practical work, they started introducing educational workshops, waste paper and plastic salvage, excursions, competitions and other environmental activities.
They managed to include both children and adults into activities aimed at removing unauthorised waste disposals from nature.
This plan is a volunteer project of the Zvolen office employees.
Great Employer in the year of 2014
Winners of Via Bona Slovakia in 2014 in the category of Great employer are Accenture (Bratislava) and DeutschMann InternationaleSpedition (Trebišov), who also received a public award.
DeutschMann Internationale Spedition s.r.o.
Motivating employees to develop
Eastern Slovakia has been struggling with a churn of talents for many years. The forwarding company DeutschMann Internationale Spedition from Trebišov created the “Progress Board” education system, which enables providing up to 600 workshops by as few as two employees. This enables to fully train up to 80 new employees annually to any single position besides the regular training of all existing colleagues.
The result is that employees started intensely working at their skills, perform great at work and have also improved their personal lives. Even the most reluctant learners have become enthusiast students. As the average age of their employees is 28, the company often makes good for what the school failed to provide. Thanks to the “Progress Board” system, they can employ an unskilled person and help them to success never even hoped for.
Accenture, s.r.o.
Enjoy your life with Accenture
In Accenture, it’s people first.Accenture wants to attract and keep the best people by giving them the best possible work conditions.In Accenture they focus on two areas: work-life balance of employees and supporting women.
Enjoy your life with Accenture provides employees with an option to select the time, place and way to work.The respective phase of the employee’s life is always taken into account,no matter if you are a mother returning from maternity leave, a project employee working abroad or a colleague returning from a long-term absence.Women and their position in the company enjoy special focus.Almost 50 percent of all employees are female.
A unique aspect of education in Accenture is the “leaders teach leaders” approach, whereas many workshops are led by employee leaders based on their own experience.Each employee has their own Personal career counsellor – a more senior colleague.The “Skills to Succeed” project helps aid the global requirement to develop personal skills required to get a job or start an own business.
Accenture grows in line with its environmental strategy, the focus of which is efficient operation, sustainable growth and providing knowledge required for a sustainable growth of their customers.
Fair Market Player in the year of 2014
The winner of Via Bona Slovakia in 2014 in the category of Fair Market Player is Ten Senses (Bratislava/ Nairobi).
Ten Senses Ltd.
Support for Fair Trade
Ten Senses helps to improve the lives of farmers in developing countries. Through Fair Trade, the farmers are given a stable price, long term contracts and money for the development of their community. Ten Senses‘ first product was coffee, which they roast in Bratislava and is the only local fair trade coffee available in the Slovak market.
In Nairobi, Kenya Ten Senses owns and manages a factory for processing macadamia and cashew nuts. They reacted to the unfair conditions forced on Kenyan farmers who were exploited due to their ignorance of the market and were selling their product for a low price. Their factory employs 300 women from a nearby slum, and for many it is the first chance in their lives to have dignified and safe work.
Supporter of Volunteering in the year of 2014
Pontis Foundation, in the category of Supporter of Volunteering has given a honorable mention to bnt attorneys-at-law (Bratislava) for effective pro bono solution to the urgent problem in residence Kopčany in Bratislava.
bnt attorneys-at-law, s.r.o.
Pro bono services
Over the last year this law firm provided several pro bono services free of charge. One of the successful cases was their cooperation with Ulita, a civic association working with children and young people from marginalized groups in Bratislava.
The attorneys helped with a case when a contractor failed to finish building a playground, breaching the contract. The contractor started with the construction but despite the received deposit they did not finish it. The company eventually stopped communicating with Ulita, and the association joined the Pontis Foundation’s Pro Bono Attorneys programme. Because the matter was urgent, bnt took over the case. The construction company refused to communicate with the attorneys but thanks to their experience with similar cases, Ulita in cooperation with bnt managed to win the case.
Good Partner for the Community in the year of 2014
Embraco Slovakia, s.r.o.
Embraco Ecology Award
Embraco Slovakia is located in a region which is a gateway to the Slovak Paradise mountain range. Because they want this piece of paradise to serve everyone, they take the protection of the environment very seriously.
In 2008 they started a grant programme focused on environmental education – the Embraco Ecology Award. In first years they concentrated on supporting primary schools in Spišská Nová Ves region, but since 2012 kindergartens in the city have been included too. This school year, kindergartens from the whole region submitted their projects. The projects often go beyond the topic of ecology. Not only pupils but the entire community is getting involved, bringing diversity and inclusion of various pupils. During 6 years Embraco supported the projects of 20 schools and 6 kindergartens with EUR 32,289. Over 6,000 people in the region were positively influenced.
GlaxoSmithKline Slovakia s.r.o.
Step two – Schools without bullies
Aggressive children have become a hot topic in media recently. According to surveys on elementary schools, bullying, aggressiveness, attacks on teachers and intolerance towards differences is what teachers, children and parents fear the most. As a response to this alarming state at schools, GSK introduced their “Step Two” project.
Within this project, students learn to have an open talk with their duly trained class teachers during Ethics classes on their emotions and their classification and how to distinct between good and bad ones. Results have shown that thanks to the Step Two project, students are able to manage aggression, anger and conflicts in a much better way and are also able to resist bullying. The “Step Two” project is aimed at children at kindergartens and elementary schools. Overseers of this project are school psychologists from the Profkreatis NGO. This project is also supported by mayors of county towns.
Thanks to the financial support provided by GSK amounting EUR 71,966, this project was introduced to 54 elementary schools and altogether 96 teachers were trained. More than 155 schools have joined the “Step Two“ project so far, so if we take an average of 20 students per class, approximately 3,000 children (and their parents) from elementary schools all over Slovakia have been involved with this project.
The members of the evaluation committees Via Bona Slovakia 2014
Green Company
Monika Bandúrová, Andrej Kovarik, Martin Kováč, Marcel Lauko, Peter Robl, Hana Šimková, Jozef Vodička
Great Employer
Martin Bajaník, Boris Bukovský, Tomáš Hasala, Marta Kahancová, Roman Kurnický, Katarína Matulníková, Ivana Molnárová, Jozef Ondáš
Fair Player on the Market
Martin Mazág, Petronela Ševčíková, Radovan Pala, František Kočan, Marcel Imrišek
Supporter of Volunteering
Juraj Bobula, Erika Dupejová, Andrej Findor, Zuzana Gabrižová,Marian Gliganič, Katarína Šujanová
Good Community Partner
Zora Bútorová, Daniela Danihelová, Martin Filko, Igor Guttler, Eva Kováčová, Monika Lacková, Katarína Schneiderová, Juraj Smatana, Martin Vavrinčík
Responsible Small/Medium-sized Company
Lukáš Bakoš, Gabriela Dubcová, Peter Halák, Eva Hipšová, Ján Pallo, Daniel Pitoňák, Martin Štrba
Responsible Large Firm
Michele Bologna, Zuzana Čaputová, Andrea Danihelová, Andrea Ferancová-Bartoňová, Pavel Sibyla, Marcela Šimková, Tatiana Švrčková
Via Bona Slovakia Partners for 2014
The Pontis Foundation wants to thank every partner, that financially or any other form of support the 15th year of Via Bona Slovakia.
Who we are
We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.
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