The Pontis Foundation in cooperation with the international organization Ashoka has mapped people who bring unique solutions to social problems. The result is the Social Innovators Map, which features 461 active, courageous and inspiring personalities – both emerging and established innovators, together with their supporters from business and public administration. The data collection was carried out through a so-called snowball method – the contacted innovators recommended other people, who in turn recommended other people. The map thus shows not only the profiles of individuals but also the connections between them.
The Map does not include everyone who is trying to bring about positive change in Slovakia.
We believe and know that there are many more.

Why did we create the Map?
The uncertain, fast-changing world situation brings new challenges to tackle societal problems, whether in education, increasing trust in democracy and citizenship, the job market or climate change. Social innovations offer solutions to these existential crises.
That is why the Pontis Foundation, in cooperation with the international organisation Ashoka, has again after seven years mapped the key people working on social innovation in Slovakia.
We have created an initiation group of 21 people from different areas and regions of Slovakia active in the field of social innovation. We asked them about their work and the obstacles they face in its implementation.
From March to June 2022, we collected contacts from them of other people who are changing our country for the better through their work, and projected them on the Social Innovators Map.
There are 461 active, courageous and inspiring people on the map, including both innovators at their beginning and those with years of experience, as well as their supporters from business and public administration.
Are you interested in the process of mapping the innovators, data collection or strategic development of social innovation? Email us at mapainovatorov@nadaciapontis.sk or contact us directly by area:

Martina Kolesárová
Strategic Development of Innovation

Matúš Labanc
The Social Innovators Map

Katarína Obuchová