19. 01. 2018 Pontis Foundation

We change communities for the better with Slovak Telekom employees

The results are in! Find out how the Helping the Community grant program performed in 2018.

Helping the Community (Pomáhame komunite) is organized annually by the Pontis Foundation’s Telekom Endowment Fund.The 2018 edition of the popular employee grant program is now officially behind us.

We gave out a total of 30,000 euros to 35 organizations
The Helping the Community employee grant program, which motivates employees to get involved in activities that benefit their community, took place for the 14th time. Their initiative has made it possible to organize a variety of interesting activities, maintain cultural heritage sites and improve the quality of life for people living under difficult circumstances.

What will 2018 bring?
The Telekom Endowment Fund will make several interesting projects possible in 2018. The Bytča Elementary School is organizing a project focusing on environmental protection. The pupils are going to learn about composting, build a tactile path with the help of volunteers from Slovak Telekom and create a space where they will be able to grow herbs, ornamental plants and crops.

Fans of rock climbing in the Banská Bystrica and Detva area can look forward to improved conditions for beginners. The Mountain Sports Club at the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica is going to organize a number of competitions, clubs and workshops.

Get ready for acrobatics in Levice! The Jungle Gym Levice civic association plans to buy new gym equipment in order to increase safety and make its trainings more interesting for young people.

In The Footsteps Of Heroes is a project organized at the Rakovec nad Ondavou Elementary School which will help develop the pupils’ spiritual, moral and ethical values. The project will commemorate acts of bravery performed during World War II, while also serving as a reminder of the horrors that were caused by hostility towards specific groups within the population.

Bratislava will be the site of an interesting new orienteering project. The Sandberg Sports Club will equip an orienteering area with permanent control points and maps for amateur runners.

People with autism and mental disabilities need to make themselves seen if we want society to be more humane towards them. That is what the association called Hope for People with Mental Disabilities in Poprad aims to achieve by organizing a variety of activities for its clients – whether it is ping-pong sessions or workshops where they make ceramics, candles or soaps.

Out of a total 67 applications for the employee grant program, the best 35 projects have been selected by the following evaluation committee:

Daniela Danihelová, Community Foundation Bratislava
Dominika Horňáková, The Pontis Foundation
Lenka Kršáková, Government Advisor in Sports, Division of Sports at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport
Eva Ondrová, Claudianum Rehabilitation Center
Karin Andrášiková, “Youth of the Street” (Mládež ulice) Civic Association
Soňa Holíková, Union of Maternity Centers
Miroslava Gúčiková, Voices
Tomáš Kováč, Kaspian

Who we are

We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

Pontis Foundation
Zelinarska 2821 08

Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8111
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