08. 08. 2016 Corporate responsibility

Renovated sights and more cheerful senior citizens? Corporate volunteers are to be thanked for this

One of the key themes that we focus on is corporate volunteering, employees devoting their time to helping others.

Besides the all-year programmes of corporate volunteering, we organize individual volunteering events.

Employees of the Tchibo company helped at the Čeklís Castle

Employees of Tchibo came to Bernolákovo to exchange their offices for an archaeological site and help contribute to the rescue of our cultural heritage. They worked to clean the floor of a cellar room and smoothen the tops of walls. Thanks to their selfless help, the environment of the castle looks now more beautiful and inviting. “After this experience I can say that it is a pity we didn’t participate in such events before,” said Adriána Hudecová, an employee of Tchibo, after a day she had spent with her colleagues at the castle. “The weather was great, and so were the volunteers. Thanks,” said Mr Vokoun from the Hrad Čeklís civic association about the volunteers from Tchibo.

Volunteers from AbbVie made the premises of DSS Rača more pleasant for seniors

In June we organized a volunteering event at the request of the employees of AbbVie. Based on very positive long-term cooperation, we chose a social service centre in Rača for them. They beautified the premises of the facility and replanted flowers. They not only made the facility look tidier, but also delighted the clients of the centre with their presence. “The corporate volunteers were fantastic. We heard that it was their first time, but they worked as hard as bees – all smiles and enthusiasm,” said the staff of DSS Rača to share their positive impressions.

Companies enjoy volunteering

We coordinate an all-year volunteering programme for Hewlett-Packard and Poisťovňa Slovenskej sporiteľne. Volunteers from both companies monthly devote a part of their working hours to a good cause.

Together with volunteers from HP, we have been visiting the clients of DSS Rača for four years. Thanks to this programme, HP got a prestigious Via Bona Slovakia 2015 award for supporting corporate volunteering. The crisis centres Brána do života and DOM are helped by volunteers from Poisťovňa SLSP, who bring joy and selfless help to them. Thanks to their and their company’s support, a barrier-free bedsit was equipped in the crisis centre. Every month we prepare an interesting programme for the corporate volunteers and clients of both facilities – we visit cultural sights, theatre performances, decorate Easter eggs, prepare a Christmas party, etc.

“It is great to see that there are more and more people and companies who care for what our country looks like,” says Monika Smolová, the programme director of Pontis Foundation, in praise of the companies’ and their employees’ engagement.

Who we are

We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

Pontis Foundation
Zelinarska 2821 08

Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8111
Contact for media:
Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8113