08. 12. 2017 Corporate responsibility

Metro Became a New Member of the Business Leaders Forum

Public awareness about responsible entrepreneurship is growing and more companies engage in CSR activities.

Martin Krajčovič from Metro presents his company to BLF.

Figures from an autumn survey by the Focus Agency and Pontis Foundation show that people in Slovakia know what a responsible entrepreneurship is and, in particular, they can identify responsible companies. The fact that they consider responsible entrepreneurship important is also demonstrated by number 92 – the percentage of respondents who said that while generating profits, companies should also have goals in the field of CSR.

“We believe this is also due to the activities we carry out within the Business Leaders Forum,” says Michal Kišša, Executive Director of BLF and Program Manager of the Pontis Foundation. “In addition to major events such as Our City and the CEE CSR Summit, we also organise smaller expert seminars, publish practical CSR recommendations for companies, and educate university students.”

At the last networking meeting this year, BLF member companies approved METRO Cash & Carry SR’s membership in the association as of the 1st January 2018.

Metro, as the winner of the Via Bona Slovakia 2016 a Fair Market Player award, is constantly striving to strengthen relationships with its employees, customers, and suppliers. Fair relationships are a key priority for the company.

“We are experts in food, so we care about not wasting any of it. We belong to one of the biggest donors of food for people in need in Slovakia. Continuous reduction of waste, including food, will be a priority for our company in the coming years,” says Martin Krajčovič, Corporate Affairs Manager of the company.

In addition to programs focused on food waste reduction, through the People for Trees project, Metro contributes to improving the environment and greenery and increasing the aesthetic, functional and health value of our cities and villages.


Who we are

We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

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