24. 11. 2016 Corporate responsibility

Making money is not the only reason for successful companies to exist

Heineken Slovakia received the 2015 Via Bona Slovakia Award in the main category of Responsible Large Company. Where has it moved on since then?

Hana Šimková and Michaela Konopásková along with Odin Goedhart, the CEO of Heineken Slovakia.

Heineken Slovakia received the Responsible Large Company of the Year award for 2015. The goal of this beer producer from Hurbanovo is to become the greenest brewery in Slovakia by 2020. That is why it is focusing on protecting water sources, decreasing carbon dioxide emissions, using local foodstuffs from sustainable sources, supporting responsible beer drinking, protecting employees’ health and safety, and, last but not least, developing the communities in which the company operates.

Responsibility is visible in all of the company’s departments as well as in the whole production cycle, which is entitled “From Barley to Bar”. Currently, they work with more than 1200 suppliers, of which more than 1000 come from Slovakia.

Heineken takes excellent care of its employees and its consumers by calling their attention to the health, social, and economic problems that can result from the irresponsible drinking of alcohol. The company actively encourages its customers to consume alcohol reasonably. Besides running public awareness campaigns, the company ensures full compliance with the code for commercial communications, whose provisions go beyond current legislation: for instance, they refrain from placing their advertisements near schools, kindergartens, or health care institutions, and in their advertisements they only employ actors who appear older than 25 years of age.

We talked with Hana Šimková, the Corporate Relations Manager of Heineken Slovakia, about the pride and engagement that come with the Via Bona Slovakia Awards.

What did it mean to you that you received the 2015 Via Bona Slovakia Award in the category of Responsible Large Company?

This prestigious award means a great deal to us. It is an acknowledgement of all the effort we have made so far in the area of responsibility and sustainability. At the same time, it obliges us even more to develop and strengthen our activities. We are extremely grateful to all those who have been and who still are with us – our employees, our partners, and the third sector – and who thereby contribute to the improvement of the world where we live and operate.

Where have you made progress over the past year?

We are still developing and strengthening our activities and partnerships in all the relevant areas in which we have committed ourselves to achieve measurable results by 2020. These are enshrined in our approach of “Brewing a Better World” and the vision of becoming the greenest brewing company in Slovakia.

What type of sustainable activities are you currently involved in? What is your highest priority for the future and what projects can we look forward to?

Within the “Brewing a Better World” approach, Heineken Slovakia made a commitment to becoming the greenest brewery in Slovakia by 2020. For several years now, we have been conforming our steps to this goal in all the relevant areas, like protecting water sources, decreasing carbon dioxide emissions, and using local foodstuffs from sustainable sources. Educating our consumers and raising awareness of responsible alcohol consumption is of equal importance to us. In this area, we established a new partnership with the Kaspian low-threshold organization, which works with minors. We intend to continue in all these activities in the future.

Are you doing your business fairly? Nominate your company for the 2016 Via Bona Slovakia Awards.

The Pontis Foundation is once again accepting nominations for the prestigious 2016 Via Bona Slovakia Awards. Companies can nominate themselves with their responsible and ethical projects for 2016 until 20 January 2017. All important information can be found on the website www.viabona.sk.

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We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

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