Impact Talks: Listen to five stories of philanthropists from our history
At the Pontis Foundation, we have been cooperating with journalist Pavel Lacko and historian Lukáš Krajčír, with whom we research the local philanthropic stories of the 19th and 20th centuries. Pavol Lacko also gave a short talk on philanthropy and a look at history during our event entitled Impact Talks: Journeys of Philanthropy.
“We decided to map the stories of contemporary philanthropists from the then Czechoslovakia and Hungary. We do this to show that there were also quite strong philanthropic moments in our country, which can be followed,” says P. Lacko in his lecture. “Even today, we have everything they had at our disposal – whether it is the financial capital as the one of Michal Bosák, the social capital of Elena Maróthy-Šoltésová and the foreign contacts of Marina Paulíny,” he says.
You can watch the whole talk about local historical philanthropists here:
The video is also available on YouTube at this link (in Slovak).
You can find more about all five inspiring people from the video in the articles by Denník N at this link.
Pavol Lacko
Pavol Lacko is a journalist who writes and edits texts for the Bystriny platform, the Romano Forum and the Black Swan portal (tr. Čierna labuť). He has worked for the Fair Play Alliance in the past and has helped develop the White Crow Award. He also worked on the project of the fact-checking portal He studied political science at the Freie Universität in Berlin.
Lukáš Krajčír
Lukáš Krajčír is a history expert who works at the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and specialises in the cultural and social history of the first half of the 20th century, with an emphasis on philanthropy in Slovakia.

Lukáš Krajčír, Pavol Lacko and host Milan Junior Zimnýkoval.