24. 01. 2018 Philanthropy

How was 2017 for the Fund for Transparent Slovakia?

How many members did the fund have? What did we focus on? What activities did we support? What were some of our best moments?

We had 20 members

The Fund for Transparent Slovakia had 20 member companies, all united by an interest to help NGOs active in the fight against corruption, the promotion of state transparency and the creation of tools to prevent state capture.

A record number of projects received our support

In 2017, we issued two calls for grant proposals through which 16 projects received a total sum of 170,034 euros. For Transparent Slovakia was a call for grant proposals which helped eight organizations focus on analytical, watchdog and advocacy activities in the areas of computerization, transport, justice, state administration and efficient use of public resources. You can find out more about these projectshere.

Supported organizations:

  • Fair-Play Alliance,
  • Slovak Governance Institute,
  • Institute for Economic and Social Reforms (INEKO)
  • Transparency International Slovakia,
  • Slovensko.Digital,
  • Citizen Association of Slovak Towns and Villages (ZOMOS)
  • Civic Association “Against Corruption” (OZ proti korupcii),

There were also 6 projects which took place in 2017 after being supported in the previous call for grant proposals (For Transparent Slovakia 2016) since these funds were awarded for a two-year period (from February 2016 to November 2017). In this second part of the call, the supported organizations received a total of 20,000 euros.

Our first call focusing on Slovak regions

In 2017, we issued the call For Transparent Regions, which was our reaction to an increasing need to combat corruption and improve the transparency of public finance management at a local level. We supported eight organizations active in Slovak regions that focused on organizing discussions and a festival, making local governments more open and improving the transparency of EU fund use. Find out more here.

Supported organizations:

  • Zoulus,
  • Civic Association Jazernica,
  • Future for Považská Bystrica (Budúcnosť pre Považskú Bystricu),
  • Business Alliance of Slovakia (PAS),
  • Civic Association “Against Corruption” (OZ proti korupcii),
  • METRO,
  • Natura Rusovce
  • Bratislava Region Youth Council

Who we are

We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

Pontis Foundation
Zelinarska 2821 08

Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8111
Contact for media:
Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8113