07. 03. 2023 Corporate responsibility

60 companies were nominated for the Via Bona Slovakia 2022 award

It is the largest number of registered companies since 2016. A total of 66 nominations were registered in seven categories.

Despite the difficult times that have significantly affected the functioning of companies, such as the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and inflation, many do not let up in their efforts to be socially responsible. The proof is the 23rd year of Via Bona Slovakia 2022, an award for which 60 small, medium, and large companies applied. It is the largest number since 2016. Companies applied for a total of 66 nominations in seven categories.

The most nominations were registered in the categories of Green Company (15) and Socially Innovative Company (13). “We were also positively surprised that we received nine applications for the Responsible Small/Medium Company category. For a long time, we have been striving for smaller companies to apply for the award. We have been looking for the companies that implement activities within the framework of responsible entrepreneurship more intuitively but with even greater enthusiasm,” said Michal Kišša, executive director of the Pontis Foundation.
All registered projects will be evaluated by an independent committee composed of representatives of business, state administration, media, non-governmental sector, and educational institutions. We will publish the list of finalists on the 24th of March. The award winners will be announced on the 11th of May, 2023.

Responsible Large Company (4 nominations)

  • ČSOB
  • Magna PT.
  • Slovak Telekom
  • Whirlpool

Responsible Small/Medium Company (9 nominations)

  • Accace
  • Be Lenka
  • Herba Drug
  • KOOR
  • Peelo
  • Promiseo
  • YMS
  • Zľavomat

Green Company (15 nominations)

  • Bolt Slovensko with the project Let’s Build Towns for People, Not Cars
  • CBRE Slovakia with the project ESG Projects on Managed Buildings, Sustainability Approach, and Employee Education
  • COOP Jednota Slovakia with the project Uniformly Ecological – DEPOSITORY 2022
  • DPD with the project Sustainable Ecological Mobility
  • Ekolive with the project A New Generation of Biostimulants for Organic Agriculture and Healthier Crops
  • LES – Green Energy with the project WOODS, Green Energy, Eco Fuels
  • Minipidi with the project Online Rental
  • OLO with the project KOLO – Bratislava Centre for Reuse
  • Orange Slovakia with the project Turning Solar Energy into Connectivity
  • Katarína Mareková Kožená – SEKÁČ with the project Seventy Skirts She Had
  • Slovenská sporiteľňa with the project The Journey to Carbon Neutrality
  • VETROPACK NEMŠOVÁ with the project Modernisation of the Shards Treatment Line in the VETROPACK NEMŠOVÁ Company
  • Volkswagen Slovakia with the project Aluminium Closed Loop
  • WAKIVAKI with the project WAKIVAKI
  • Wilderoben with the project Wilderoben Outdoor Store

Exceptional Employer (7 nominations)

  • Allegria Košice ISP with the project Employing People with Disabilities
  • Curaprox Slovakia with the project Employing People with Disabilities
  • Henkel Slovakia with the project Improving the Employee Experience
  • Lenovo Slovakia with the project Employee Diversity Endowment Fund (ERG)
  • L&P with the project First Among Equals – Pathways to Employment for Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Persons
  • Slovenská sporiteľňa with the project Support for Gender Equality and Women in Management
  • Zentiva with the project Zentiva Slovakia as of 24/05/2022 – Common Place of Work for the Slovak and Ukrainian team

Socially Innovative Company (13 nominations)

  • Be Lenka with the project Be Lenka: Barefoot footwear backed by research and development
  • DSA with the project Network of Schools as a Contribution to the Quality of Education in Slovakia
  • DXC Technology Slovakia with the project Experiential Computer Science Class
    ENVI-PAK with the project Fight Against Freely Thrown Waste: behavioural research cleans up Slovak towns and villages
  • GAMETHERAPY with the project Virtual Reality Software Development
  • Heineken Slovensko with the project WISELY – Responsible Alcohol Consumption
  • Ksebe with the project Digitisation of Access to a Psychologist
  • M2M Solutions with the project Transport Logistics System
  • Elfovia.sk with the project Elfovia.sk
  • PeWaS with the project AQUAHOLDER
  • Prowise with the project TRANSPAREX
  • Smartbooks with the project Playful Education without Limits
  • WEZEO with the project OpenLab

Good Partner of the Community (11 nominations)

  • Baterkáreň with the project Humanitarian Aid in Baterkáreň
  • BDO with the project Start in Slovakia
  • Billa with the project Zdravé oči už v škôlke
  • Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia with the project T Kids
  • Heineken Slovakia with the project THIS IS OUR HOME
  • Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa with the project Showcase Your Talent and We Will Help You Fulfill Your Dream of Owning Your Home
  • Slovenská sporiteľňa with the project Together for the Country
  • Slovnaft with the project Green Oases
  • SWAN with the project Donation Website Ľudiaľuďom.sk: quick and effective help
  • UNIQA with the project Let’s Speak Honestly
  • U. S. Steel Košice with the project Steel Workers Help Refugees from Ukraine

Fair Market Player (7 nominations)

  • Danone with the project Improving the Nutritional Status of Toddlers in Slovakia
  • Gerulata Technologies with the project Pierce Through the Fog of the Info War
  • METRO Cash & Carry SR with the project Your success Is Our Goal
  • Orange Slovensko with the project Without Pitfalls Online
  • Pretlak.sk with the project Job, Not a Fight
  • Tesco Stores SR with the project Aid to Ukraine
  • Wilderoben with the project Duck Tapes

Who we are

We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

Pontis Foundation
Zelinarska 2821 08

Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8111
Contact for media:
Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8113