Address and bank details

Nadacia Pontis (Pontis Foundation)
Zelinárska 2
821 08 Bratislava

Pontis Foundation (Žilina)

Predmestská 57

010 01 Žilina


Company ID: 317 848 28
Tax ID: 2021531512
VAT ID (IČ DPH): SK2021531512

Bank Account: 2721062753/0200
IBAN: SK33 0200 0000 0027 2106 2753
Bank Name: VUB, a.s.
Bank Address: Mlynské Nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava, Slovakia


The Foundation is registered under the Act no. 34/2002 of.
Foundations of the Ministry of Interior on 27.10.1997
under the registration number: 203/Na - 96/463

Our staff

Martina Kolesárová


Martina is responsible for the management of projects in the field of strategic philanthropy and social innovation. She oversees the Impact Summit event. Additionally, she coordinates the foundation’s fundraising activities and the development of relationships with partners.

Michal Kišša


Michal is responsible for the strategic management of projects in the areas of responsible business, endowment funds, and PR. He also oversees the foundation’s fundraising activities and the development of relationships with corporate partners.

Slavomíra Hvizdošová

Financial Director

Slávka manages the financial operations of our foundation. She is responsible for ensuring the efficiency and transparency of the utilization of foundation’s financial resources in compliance with legislative norms and applicable laws.

Paulína Beňová

Senior Financial Manager

Paulína is responsible for the financial reporting of all of the foundation's projects.

Radana Deščíková

Senior Manager for Endowment Funds

Radana is in charge of the strategic coordination of endowment funds. She is responsible for overall activity management and fundraising. She creates opportunities for philanthropic advisory services.

Lucia Gregorová

Senior Manager for the Open Future Program

Lucia leads the Open Future program. She ensures the overall coordination of the project, fundraising, and communication with partners. She is also responsible for the program’s content, its promotion, and impact measurement.

Jana Kánová

Chief Accountant

Jana is responsible for the comprehensive management of the foundation’s accounting.

Ivana Kompasová

Strategic Philanthropy Senior Manager

Ivana manages the area of strategic philanthropy. She develops and sets up processes and strategies for individual philanthropy. She creates philanthropic opportunities for individual donors and focuses on philanthropy in family businesses.

Norbert Maur

Senior Manager for the Impact Lab Program

Norbert leads the Impact Lab program, which includes an incubator and accelerator for organizations. He is responsible for the program’s expert leadership, overall activity management, stakeholder coordination, and fundraising.

Marek Richter

Senior Manager for Endowment Funds

Marek is responsible for the procedural setup of all endowment funds, manages the Arriva Endowment Fund, and oversees the online grant system and the Ež system.

Veronika Šoltinská

Senior PR Manager

+421 908 845 483

Veronika is in charge of the foundation’s communication strategy and brand building, as well as relationships with media and communication partners.

Ivana Vagaská

Executive Director of the Business Leaders Forum

Ivana is the Executive Director of the Business Leaders Forum association and focuses on educating companies on responsible business practices.

Daniela Snyder

Office Manager

+421 948 333 027

Daniela is responsible for ensuring a smooth operation of the foundation’s office.

Henrieta Gubová

Office Manager

Henrieta is responsible for ensuring a smooth operation of the foundation’s office.

Martina Králová

Consultant, SvägX Upcycling Studio

Martina is the chairperson of the board of directors. She has extensive experience in marketing and business. She focuses on implementing the company's vision and goals setting. She is a consultant at the upcycling studio SvägX and co-founded the Sväg to go cafés.

Rasťo Hlaváč

Founder, Minit

Rasťo is a technology entrepreneur and investor in the B2B software sector. He built a successful process mining startup Minit, which became a global leader and was acquired by Microsoft. Later, Rasťo focused on supporting startups in Slovakia and Central Europe.

Katarína Miháliková

Partner, Majerník & Miháliková, Ltd.

Katarína is a founding partner of the firm. She has experience working for an international law firm in Bratislava and London and has established her own law office in 2005.

Ondrej Smolár

Founder, SOITRON Group

Ondrej is the co-founder and CEO of SOITRON Group. He supports not only IT startups but also several nonprofit organizations, both with advice and financially.

Martin Staňo

Host, Rádio_FM

Martin has been a long-time host at Rádio_FM, a channel of the public radio. He co-hosts and contributes to the programming of Ráno na eFeMku. Every year, he hosts the White Crow award and has also presented the Civil Servant Act of the Year and Via Bona Slovakia awards.

Lenka Surotchak

Director of Global CSR/ESG, ESET

Since 2002, Lenka had led the Pontis Foundation. She played a key role in its transformation into a Slovak organization and in all major program activities. On the board of directors, she is responsible for building relationships with partners.

Marcel Imrišek

Partner, ProRate

Marcel joined us as a member of the Venture Philanthropy board, where he helped conduct an impact analysis for OZ Návrat. Even then, we appreciated his directness, precision, tremendous work ethic, and attention to detail.

Martin Slosiarik

Director, FOCUS

Martin is the director and co-owner of the survey research company FOCUS. By profession, he is a sociologist and has dedicated his career to studying Slovak society and its transformations.

Martin Štefík

Commercial Finance Director CEE, Middle East & Africa, Microsoft

Martin is a Commercial Finance Director for the CEE, Middle East & Africa regions at Microsoft, where he has been working for 14 years. He is the Vice President of CFO Club Slovakia.

Who we are

We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

Pontis Foundation
Zelinarska 2821 08

Phone: 0948 333 027
Contact for media: