24. 04. 2023

Learn which organisations will participate in the Impact Lab Incubator

Independent committees have selected 21 applicants who will undergo an intensive training programme. In cooperation with lecturers from the business environment, we will train organisations in project management, financial and team management.

A total of 91 projects were submitted to the Impact Lab Incubator, of which the evaluation committee evaluated 86. Most projects applied for support in the field of education, followed by inclusion and human rights. There were the fewest projects in the field of democracy and the rule of law.

We selected independent evaluators based on their expertise in particular areas:

  • education: Ivana Janotíková, Romana Kanovská, Alžbeta Štofková Dianovská, Peter Ostradický, Anna Rosinová, Tomáš Horváth,
  • inclusion and human rights: Karin Andrášiková, Martina Čápová,
  • democracy and transparency: Erik Láštic, Martin Turček, Anna Rosinová.

The committees assessed each category separately. They evaluated each project based on the feasibility (quality) criteria of the offered solution, the potential for positive impact and scaling of the project, the degree of innovativeness, and the urgency of finding the solution.

The committees selected 21 projects: education – 13 projects; inclusion and human rights – 5 projects; and democracy and the rule of law – 3 projects.

The training programme for the applicants will start on the 4th of May with a workshop on the theory of change, impact strategy and mission definition. It will end on the 8th of June, 2023. In the following training blocks, which will be held weekly, organisations will get information about projects, financial and strategic management, fundraising, PR, HR, impact monitoring and measurement, and systemic change.

By participating in the Incubator, the organisation can also receive financial support, up to 20,000 euros. Added value is networking and inspiration from experienced organisations in the accelerator.

Complete list of Impact Lab Incubator participants by category in alphabetical order:


Center for Educational Analysis
Project title: Support for Quality Educational Policies to Reduce the Impact of Children’s Socio-economic Background on Their Education
The project’s strategic goal is to contribute to improving the creation of educational policies focused on reducing the impact of socioeconomic backgrounds and differences on education.

Project title: Impact Lab Incubator 2023
The project aims to strengthen teachers’ competencies in searching and creating digital educational content and using these skills in experiential, motivational learning and strengthening the critical thinking of pupils and students in the online space.

Project title: EDU-KOMPAS
The project focuses on supporting and developing an inclusive approach in the educational process by leading schools to multidisciplinary cooperation, as well as through practical manuals for coordinators.

Project title: Teaching Differently
In Slovakia, children are forced to learn to read using only one method, but this does not suit everyone and deprives them of the opportunity to learn to read. The organisation will create reading books for children with special educational needs as part of the project.

Project title: Emotion Compass
The project will ensure the sustainable dissemination of the Emotion Compass programme for the first and second grades of primary school and preschool. Classes will receive practical books with activities to support mental health, loving relationships and healthy work with emotions, and in the second grade of primary school, a mobile application for working with emotions at school and home.

Children’s Hope Club
Project title: Little Robotics Engineer – Great Future
The organisation focuses on children hospitalised in various towns across Slovakia. As part of the project, it aims to awaken their interest in computer science and robotics, teach them the basics of coding in a playful way, expand their technical and mathematical skills, and develop their analytical and critical thinking.

Project title: KaSMED – Correspondence Seminar of Medicine
The Correspondence Seminar of Medicine (KaSMED) focuses on the education of secondary school students through case studies. The most successful solvers of the seminar participate in a week-long Summer Academy.

Project title: Education of Oncology Patients: anti-cancer treatment and misinformation about cancer
The organisation creates a website for oncology patients. It will include content focusing on educating readers about cancer and navigation on the Internet to reliable sources of information and help.

Project title: OpenHub – innovative technological-educational centre
The organisation plans to open an innovative technological-educational centre to replace IT education in secondary schools and transfer practical teaching to one place in the Žilina region.

Partnership for Social Innovation
Project title: We Want to Develop
The project aims to create a motivational environment for children and youth from vulnerable groups to improve their knowledge and skills and help them integrate into society more easily.

Slovak Crohn Club
Project title: Improving the Quality of Life of Patients with IBD Diseases
Medical personnel often limit the time devoted to educating patients with IBD diseases, and patients are forced to search for relevant information themselves. The project of the organisation Slovak Crohn’s Club aims to improve this situation.

Ours (or. Také naše)
Project title: Regions
The project focuses on less developed regions and allows them to grow through people who know the region and live there or by supporting tourism. Its ambition is to support locals and create a community that will work together for the long term.

Female Algorithm
Project title: Skill-In
The project is a series of community meetups in Košice, concurrent with online education available to everyone across Slovakia. The meeting contents develop digital skills and help women adapt to work with digital technologies in everyday life for potential career growth.

Inclusion and human rights

Childhood for Children
Project title: For Every Child to Have a Happy Childhood
The organisation focuses on long-term work with underage and teenage Roma mothers (often still in primary school), partners, and children. It specialises in early intervention for children at risk of damaged development due to living in an environment of generational poverty. The project continues this work.

Institute for Active Living
Project title: Community Senior Housing: an innovative solution for an active and dignified life for seniors
The project aims to create a sustainable model of assisted community housing by offering social, health and other support services for seniors. The concept is inspired by good practice from abroad.

ISAC – International Society for Arts and Culture
Project title: Founding the Funnylicious Theatre
The project will create a space for migrants and minorities to express themselves through art and integrate into society. They will become part of a community that learns to use the tools of improvisational theatre and tell their stories in front of an audience during Storytelling Nights.

Old Catholics in Slovakia
Project title: Professionalisation of Work with Minority Groups and Expansion of Operations in the Regions
Through this project, the organisation wants to create a safe space for the inclusion of LGBTQI+ people, as well as other minority and endangered groups, in the form of an advocacy campaign.

Smile at Me
Project title: Equality of Opportunities for All
The project will prepare young people with intellectual and other disabilities for the labour market. It will provide these people with new skills, approach employers, and, through a work coach, accompany them on internships during their integration into employment.

Democracy and the rule of law

Project title: DEMDIS: Next level discussion
The project focuses on educating and expanding the potential of methods that lead to finding consensus and leading a fair and open discussion. It aims to help different communities in solving their problems.

Chcemvediet.sk (tr. IWantToKnow.sk)
Project title: Improving submission of information requests to Chcemvediet.sk
The Chcemvediet.sk portal is used for submitting requests for information. It has been working successfully for several years. In the Impact Lab Incubator, the organisation would like to get more information about the scaling and sustainability of its activities. They also want to increase organisational capacity and innovate the services provided.

The Neon Project
Project title: How to Help Those Who Help Others – Feedback and Care
Doing human rights activism is hard work. Those who do activism must have access to its history—the tactics, methods, and mistakes of their predecessors, and places to receive care—where there is information and people understand their issues. The project offers all this.

The supporter of the theme of democracy and transparency in the programme is the Fund for Transparent Slovakia.

Who we are

We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

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Zelinarska 2821 08

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