27. 01. 2023 Philanthropy

Donio will distribute 340,000 euros among 16 organizations to help people from Ukraine

Together with Who Will Help Ukraine, Donio announced a second grant call for the redistribution of 340,000 euros to help people affected by the war in Ukraine. A total of 69 projects of non-governmental and non-profit organisations applied for financial support, which is redistributed by the Pontis Foundation. In the final round, the commission selected 16 applicants, to whom it will redistribute the funding to help Ukrainian men and women coming to Slovakia or directly to people in Ukraine.

A total of 69 projects applied for the grant call and together asked for more than 1.4 million euros. Thirty-five of them that met the formal requirements advanced to the evaluation and from which the committee selected 16 projects in the final. “This number shows that our help is still needed and is largely provided by non-profit and non-governmental organisations across Slovakia. Even in this round of the Who Will Help Ukraine grant call, it was difficult to select only sixteen organisations that we can support,” says Zuzana Suchová, administrator of Donio and co-founder of the Who Will Help Ukraine initiative.

The organisations that receive support help people affected by the war in various ways, such as providing generators and material aid to Ukraine, supporting people with physical and mental health needs, and organizing educational and community activities. Among the supported organisations are, for example: Inklucentrum – Centre for Inclusive Education, civil association HANS, non-profit organisation Svetielko pomoci (tr. Light of Help), Liptov Community Foundation, and civil association Kŕdeľ in Rimavská Sobota.

“It will soon be a year since Russia invaded Ukraine. The war has shown us more than ever before that the role of civil organisations is irreplaceable. We are therefore glad that we were able to help at least a few of them financially through the grant call,” says Michal Kišša, executive director of the Pontis Foundation.

The selection committee investigated whether the submitted application met humanitarian principles and assessed the timeliness and relevance of the proposed activities and material aid. Economy, efficiency, and cooperation with other actors assisting were evaluated as supporting criteria. One project could receive the support of a minimum of 15,000 euros and a maximum of 25,000 euros.

The following were the members of the selection committee:

  • Andrea Cocherová
  • Ján Gálik
  • Zuzana Suchová
  • Branislav Tichý
  • Hana Zemanová

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