25. 03. 2022 Corporate responsibility

A total of 38 companies have applied for the award for responsible entrepreneurship

We bring you a list of nominated companies and projects.

In its 22nd year, 38 small, medium, and large companies have applied for the Via Bona Slovakia award, nominating a total of 46 projects. Compared to previous years, there are fewer applications and companies – the war in Ukraine is the main factor. “At the time when companies could work on their nominations, war came. It is therefore understandable that most of them put helping people, who had had to flee their homes, first,” says Michal Kišša, Executive Director of the Pontis Foundation.

Besides non-profit organisations, companies also very promptly helped in situations where what was provided by the state was not enough. The organisations helped financially and materially. They connected with other non-profits and advocated for systematic help. Many of them have continued to help to this day. “We think that we need to listen to, highlight and be inspired by such positive stories – this year more than ever before,” M. Kišša adds.

We will present the Via Bona Slovakia 2021 awards in seven categories. All submitted projects will be evaluated by an independent committee composed of representatives of the business sector, state administration, media, non-governmental sector and educational institutions. We will publish the list of finalists on April 20, and the awards will be presented on June 29 in Bratislava.

Responsible Large Company (5 nominations)

  • Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia
  • IBM
  • IKEA Bratislava
  • Nestlé Slovakia
  • Swiss Re

Responsible Small/Medium Company (6 nominations)

  • Accace
  • AfB
  • Coca-Cola HBC Czech Republic and Slovakia
  • GoodRequest
  • Wolt Slovakia
  • Zľavomat

Green Company (7 nominations)

  • ASEKOL SKwith the project entitled Red and White Containers
  • CORPLEX with the project entitled Circular Plastic Solutions project
  • Karouchwith the project entitled Internal Processes Towards Zero-waste Production
  • Lidl Slovak Republic with the project entitled Let it not be (tr. Nenechajme to plávať)
  • Mobilonline with the project entitled Mobile Online
  • Slovenská sporiteľňa with the project entitled Ecological Payment Cards
  • WAKIVAKY with the project entitled SELITEX

Outstanding employer (5 nominations)

  • Accenture Slovakia with the project entitled Happy at Home, Happy at Work
  • Danone with the project entitled Parent Support at Danone
  • IBM with the project entitled We Can Make It Together – Inclusion in Practice
  • IKEA Bratislava with the project entitled For a Safe Home
  • PASSEL SLOVAKIA with the project entitled Positive Approach to Long-term Employment, Non-discrimination and Support for the Professional Development of Roma Communities in the Poprad Region and Its Vicinities

Good Partner of the Community (15 nominations)

  • Billa with the project entitled The Breadwinner
  • BUBO travel agency  with the project entitled The Good Partner of the Community
  • Coca-Cola HBC Czech Republic and Slovakia with the project entitled You Can Do It!
  • DXC Technology Slovakia with the project entitled DXC Helps with Education
  • Generali Poisťovňa with the project entitled Learning for Life
  • IBM with the project entitled Equipment for Universities
  • Kaufland with the project entitled Fresh Heads
  • Kia Slovakia with the project entitled The Educated and Skilled Community
  • McDonald´s Slovakia with the project entitled Food as a Symbol of Solidarity
  • Reinoo with the project entitled The Company with Green DNA
  • Slovenská sporiteľňa with the project entitled The Winner Cannot Hurt Sculptures
  • Slovenské elektrárne with the project entitled EcoVillage
  • SLOVNAFT with the project entitled Slovnaft the Neighbour – Application to increase transparent communication on refinery impacts
  • Swiss Re with the project entitled SHINE – Business recovery in the regions of central Slovakia
  • Telekom with the project entitled ENTER – We help build a new digital generation in Slovakia

Socially innovative company (4 nominations)

  • CANCOM Slovakia with the project entitled Modern Digital Workplaces for schools
  • Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia with the project entitled Cognity Care
  • HighBrõws with the project entitled Brainery – Future Skills Educational Programme
  • Overhead4D with the project entitled Digital Protection and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

Fair Market Player (4 nominations)

  • Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia with the project entitled ITMA Conference
  • Farma u Ďurkových with the project entitled Quality Speaks for Us
  • O2 Slovakia with the project entitled Share with Reason
  • Dedoles with the project entitled Pride Campaign – Rainbow Comments

Who we are

We create strong and meaningful linkages between the corporate, civic and public sectors in our three strategic topics – social innovation, philanthropy and responsible entrepreneurship. We build expertise our expertise in these issues, bring trends, promote long-term impact, and inspire.

Pontis Foundation
Zelinarska 2821 08

Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8111
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Phone: (+421 2) 5710 8113